
2012-09-22 3:52 am

回答 (5)

2012-09-22 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are talking about a plate, then use chipped.
The plate that you sent was chipped.

If you are talking about disc, then use cracked.
The disc that you sent was cracked.
2012-10-04 8:27 pm
HA01025845 ( 知識長 )團體造票始俑者!!! 經常寫信邀票作弊.......打擊對方!

霸道檢舉沒有投他票的網民, 行為冇品既可恥!!!!!!
2012-09-22 4:56 pm
The _______ is chipped如果你想講CD: 就放CD rom 落去上面果格到
食野果啲碟:plate etc.
2012-09-22 5:00 am
崩左 chipped
崩左- chipped
你送黎隻碟崩左轉英文 :
The disc you sent me was chipped.The disc you sent me has got a chip.

2012-09-22 09:39:01 補充:

2012-09-22 09:48:24 補充:
下面呢個youtube片(How do i fix my Cracked/Chipped Disc)有圖為証,好清楚睇到裂左(cracked)同崩左(chipped)嘅分別。

2012-09-22 09:54:00 補充:
你送黎隻(食)碟崩左 - The dish/plate you sent me was chipped.

2012-10-03 13:15:55 補充:
I notice recently that names of some voters are not shown in the voting status page. It happened with this very knowledge item. On the voter name page, I can only find the five voters for my answer but not any of the six voters for the chosen answer !! It is worrying!!
2012-09-22 4:28 am
Your floppy disk get cracked !

2012-09-21 20:30:17 補充:
Your floppy disk you delivered get cracked !

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