急! 請求英文翻譯

2012-09-20 7:27 pm
麻煩幫幫忙翻譯以下為英文...但請不要用google 和word 來翻譯, 謝謝!

伯伯另一方面的困擾,便是來自幾位兒女,因為他疼愛幾位兒女,用自己的積蓄替3個兒子買樓, 讓他們有穩定的居所. 當兒子想做生意創一番事業時, 自己又明白兒子的心情而將自己的積蓄借給他. 伯伯又特別疼愛女兒, 但兒女年紀漸大,大家各有自己的意見,很多時都並非如自己所想,雖然自己為他們負出這麼多,但他們卻不孝順,特別是自己女兒所選擇的丈夫,不符合伯伯的期望,他更擔心女兒將來的幸福,有時又會怪責太太當年因重男輕女而阻止他替女兒買樓。

伯伯眼見自己身體大不如前,兒女有讓他擔心,加上之前與太太言語上發生衝突,一直耿耿於懷, 所以間中也會有一些自殺的念頭,當於中心有時聽到一些有關長者抑鬱的講座,自己懷疑自己患有抑鬱,幸好,仍接受外人探訪及幫助。

回答 (2)

2012-09-20 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Uncle other troubled that from several children, because he loved to several children, and use their own savings to buy property on behalf of three sons, so that they have a stable home. Son wants to do business with a career but understand his son's mood will lend their own savings to his uncle and especially loved her daughter, but the children become older, people have their own opinions, many are not, as they want to, although so negative they , but they do not filial, especially the husband of his daughter, does not meet the expectations of the uncle, he was more worried about her daughter's future happiness, sometimes will blame the wife that year due to patriarchal and stop him to buy a flat for her daughter .

Uncle seeing his body as before, the children let him worry about, plus before Mrs. verbal conflict has been brooding, so there will be some occasional thoughts of suicide, when the center sometimes hear about elderly depression lectures, they suspect that they are suffering from depression, but fortunately still accept outsiders to visit and help.
2012-09-21 5:28 pm
The relationships between the old man and his children worryhim as well. He loves them so much that he gave them the best things all thetime. To help the three sons to have their own place to stay, he bought housesfor them with his savings. He also lent money to them when they wanted to startup their own business. In fact, the old man loves his daughter most. But whenthe daughter is getting older, she holds a different point of view from him onmost aspects. A lot of times, his daughter did things simply against his will.Just like the son-in-law, he is definitely not the person that the old man wantshis daughter to spend the rest of her life with. So, he worries about herfuture. Then, sometimes, he blames his wife from stopping him to buy a housefor the daughter due to the old Chinese thinking that sons are superior todaughters. The old man is sad. He did so much for his kids but they did not showtheir filial piety. Realizing himself not at health as in the past, being worriedabout the kids, and having a verbal flight with the wife earlier, these all stuckin his throat and caused him a thought to kill himself. When he learned about some elderly depression seminars,he then suspected that he has depression. But luckily, he is still willing tohave people visited and helped.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:14:45
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