How to make a Scorpio man feel guilty?

2012-09-19 11:34 pm
I'm an Aries woman, and sometimes we do not get along. My problem is that he is never wrong, and it is rare he feels sorry. Over 2 years I have tried different tactics just so we can talk ane become good again:

Not speak to him
Text him how he makes me feel
Been nasty and aggressive to grasp his attention
Apologised over things which weren't my fault just to hear him apologise

Which one ACTUALLY works?

If I ignore him, he just won't text again (to teach me a lesson because he knows I hate being ignored)

Many thanks for all answers

回答 (4)

2012-09-19 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have a friend who's a scorpio. He's really good at winning against other people in things like the silence game and the other tactics you mentioned. I almost always lose against him. He actually does talk to me when he sees me alone and stare down with a frown. Maybe you should try that?
參考: I'm a pisces.
2012-09-20 1:03 am
Try giving him the silent treatment FOREVER. He sounds like a dick
2012-09-20 12:49 am
2 years? Um, no judgment but this relationship seems unhealthy to me. Sighs, I would suggest you go with the 2nd option definitely. I mean, playing games might get you your way every now and then if you're lucky, but it's NEVER going to set the relationship or friendship in the correct direction, let alone a solid foundation of mutual respect and trust.

Tell him exactly how you feel, if he truly cares for you, this will earn you his trust and respect, and these 2 elements are going to outlast frivolous game plays. All the best,
2012-09-20 12:12 am
Stay strong and play the game. DO NOT give in and EVENTUALLY he will, it will take time, but he will give in if he loves you. Don't let him beat you at these mind games. Every time he beats you, the more power he has over you and the harder it'll be for you to regain control.
參考: Sun and Mercury in 8th, Pluto in 1st, Mars Square Pluto, Scorpio Ascendant

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