Is it just me or Does the New Clock Tower in Mecca, Remind me of Barad-dûr Tower in Mordor ?

2012-09-19 8:18 am
Seeing How the Tower is the Largest Building Area, how you can see it from miles around, and how the Crescent Moon on the top of the Tower looks alot like where Sauron'ss Eye stould on top of Barad-dûr Tower in Mordor in the Lord of the Rings !

Also one Idea how it looks, since it was Built Across the Street from the Holy'est Site to the Muslim World, & All Muslim Believe that one day Islam will Rise over the World, making Islam the Dominant Religion of the World, One Religion, One God, & One Law ! With that Tower Built how and Where it is, it looks like the Muslims are Preparing for a New World Order, & Making Mecca the Capital of the World ! Muslim probably will Calm that there only Mordernizing Mecca for Pilgrims that come each year for Ramadan Season, but people never tell you the Real Story ! the Idea is How in Muslim world No Church or Non-Muslim houses of Worship may be Taller Then a Mosque, & Since both of the Tallest Buildings in the World are in Muslim Countries it just seems like No Tower will be Taller then a Muslim tower in a way ! the Idea is if they have the Tallest Towers & Monuments in the World, the whole World will look up to them ! just like the World once look up to Rome, Constantinople, Istanbul, London & Paris !

The Idea is similar to Na-zi Germany, how if the Armies of Darkness Marched all over the World, made Na-zism the New World Order of the World and Made Berlin the Capital of the World, every Tall building around the World would be Demolished because Nothing could be Taller then a Na-zi Building ! for Example Hitler intended Große Halle (Great Hall) Dome to be the Tallest & Largest Building in the World nothing would be Taller then it !

Besides it seems like the Protests in All over the World about the Youtube Video Incense of Muslim, are just useing the Video as a Excuse, & there Really trying to Wake up the World and tell them that the Future is coming and telling the World to Convert or be Destroyed, uniting All the Muslim Tribes & reforging a Muslim Empire that would Conquer World, & Destroy anyone that opposes them, and making Allah & Sharia the Law of the World, As some muslims have claimed Never until Then When the World is Ruled by Islam the World would Finally be at Peace !

It just seems that way how the Building is Built Right next to the Most Sacred Place to all Muslims, and where no non-muslim may set Foot on, and idea on the Reason why they would build something so Large like that, at that one Spot in a Desert City !

Also I realize it seems where the Tower is, is kinda Risky ! what if the Tower was Ever Bombed and Fell on the Holy Site ? That would Cause the Muslim World Go more Crazy then the Anger they have Right now over the Video, they would Blame the Western World & the Jews and Go to War with the them ! It just Seems like the Muslim Extrimists would use that kinda Lie to Cause all muslim people to Go to War with the Western Free World, & bring about the idea of World Domonation for ALLAH ! as they say and Scream ALLAH is the Greatest !

回答 (6)

2012-09-19 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
you are watching too much movies
2012-09-19 8:23 am
Was there a question here, or was it just a spaced out cannabis fuelled rant disguised as one?
2016-12-08 11:36 pm
I won't.. the palms may be broken. The face is sparkling however the gears are turning. Confusion is a common techniques set and it does not truly matter huge style what i'm determining. i'm absolute to land up in a state of doubt and sanity is an entire-time activity.
2012-09-19 8:26 am
Read please this will help u find the real faith …islam is real faith read
I was in Italy few years a go happen to come close to the Vatican buildings I was shocked to see those birds flying over the place shocked to see how much those building dirty from the birds **** the building looks like they are painted with birds **** in and out …..but if u visit MECCA the HOLY AND SACRED PLACE of islam u will see millions of birds hovering over the MECCA inside the mosque and out side even u will see hundred of birds nesting inside the mosque and out side but u will not see one drop of birds **** not even a feather and the birds do circling around the KABA same as people do u will see the birds flying back and forwards from inside the mosque and out and the only thing u can say yes MECCA IS HOLY AND SACRED PLACE….before u deny that take your camera and go there and prove me wrong then,, will u then ready to safe your self and follow the real faith ISLAM ask me Q [email protected] …………………………………………………………
......i spend my time helping people to go to haven by teaching them real way to worshipping God..aim not...
really interested at all in attacking u or any other not Muslim people and its not my type but u make me to do so to show the truth and to stop the lies....i ask Allah to show all people the way to heaven and i hope they all think before they follow any faith than Islam......if u think a little maybe u will see things u never see before just give your self time…help your self…when death come its too late……..
did u ask your self why Jesus (peace up on him) used to pray to whom if he is the God …he used to eat and drink and use the bathroom how can he be God when he needs thinks to survive and if he a son of God then his father like him eat drink and use bathroom they must resample each other…FOR GOD seek canot u see it…the Church people change the real think and they make up this stories a bout Jesus (peace up on him) so they can control the world ,,the Jewish always has something to do with it….dont u know that the Jewish book what they call Torah( real torah the Jewish destroyed it long time a go so they can sell their new ideas) it says that maryam (Mary) peace up on her they said she was slut (dam them) and Prophet Mohammad told us it’s a lie and Jesus peace up on him was a prophet like him as the Quran said…there is only one God and all prophet God sent them to teach people how to worship real God and who is GOD first prophet was adam peace up on him and the last one is Mohammad peace up on him…canot u see their was no prophet after Mohammad ..prove me if I was wrong….i real wish u all the beast….if u don’t a gree its up to u but stop telling lies about Islam and we all going to die one day then we all will see who is in hill and who is in heaven…..
DID u ever asked your self who created u....did jesus created u no the answer is GOD ALLAH
參考: get real and think we are real
2012-09-19 8:21 am
Almost everyone in religion brings to mind something from Mordor.
2012-09-19 8:20 am

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