✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1. GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE, which is the most difficult one? According to its degree, sequence them into an order from which the easiest one comes first.
>> gcse 係英國既會考, 係hk 係考唔到既, 係hk 考既係叫igcse, 係俾international student 考的. 而igcse 係英國既會考 (即係等於以前hk 未轉334 之前既會考一樣), 而gce 係英國既高考, 即係好似hk 舊制入面既hkale, 係用黎升大學既. gcse 當然會比gce 易, 但入大學係要睇gce 而唔係gcse.
2. What's the deference between 'London Examinations, Edexcel International' and 'University of Cambridge International Examinations' in GCE?
>> 係2個唔同既exam board, 佢地既難度一樣, 唔會話邊一個board 易一d (有一d 人話edexcel易d, 但係個人認為, 係睇你對邊一個syllabus 熟d, 同埋prefer 邊一種問問題既style). 因為2個exam board 既syllabus 係差唔多既, 只係佢地問問題既style 同埋出問題既sequence 都唔一樣. 你應該上去佢地個web site 睇睇佢地既specification 睇下邊個啱你, 之後先去apply 既.
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]