
2012-09-20 5:17 am
有人話50, 有人話100, 到底邊樣先岩呢?

回答 (3)

2012-09-20 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fluorescent lamps (日光燈) flashes at frequency of 50 Hz. Fluorescent lamps work on gas (usually mercury vapour) discharge. Below a certain threshold voltage, the discharge is extinguished and the lamp emits no light. Hence, in one cycle of the ac, the lamp only flashes once.

But be aware that modern fluorescent lamps are fitted with high frequency ballast that increases the flashing frequency of the lamps. It is possible to increase the luminous efficacy of the lamp by almost 10% when driving the lamp at frequencies in excess of 2,000 Hz.

You may refer to the following web-page for information:

2012-09-20 6:18 am
螢光管未能提供穩定的光源,而是閃爍的光源,其閃爍頻率與驅動電壓的頻率有關,雖然人眼不易察覺,但可產生閃光燈效應(strobe effect),在一些工作環境可能造成危險,例如轉動的風扇,假如其頻率與螢光管相同,就會看似停止不動。螢光管亦會令攝錄機拍攝的片段出現閃爍,雖然傳統燈泡亦會出現閃爍,但其強度則較低。螢光管亦不能使用標準的亮度調節開關。

2012-09-19 22:19:04 補充:
頻率為50~60Hz, so it 閃爍 50~60下
參考: wiki
2012-09-20 5:24 am
50 HZ 所以係 50 次

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