Occupy Wall Street Arrests...is Transiting Mars in Scorpio fueling the anger?

2012-09-17 7:18 pm
Or is the current protest is a reaction to Transiting Uranus in Aries square Transiting Pluto in Capricorn?

Pluto is now in The Sign of Big Business which is Capricorn.

Uranus loves any type of change whether it is peaceful or "not" so peaceful.

Your thoughts please? And your Sun, Moon, and Mars?

回答 (3)

2012-09-17 8:38 pm
2012-09-18 2:46 am
Or maybe it's actually based on real, observable facts. WTF?
2012-09-18 8:44 pm
Um, no, it is because of severe social and fiscal inequity.

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