flame test 材料

2012-09-18 1:52 am

回答 (2)

2012-09-19 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Generally flame test can be conducted with concentrated hydrochloric acid, a nichrome wire and metal, including those in alloys.
Some common elements and their corresponding colors are: Symbol Name Color ImageAsArsenicBlue
TeTelluriumPale greenTlThalliumPure greenZnZincBluish greenIt is hard to tell where you can find all these stuff. Some of them are extremely dangerous, explosive like sodium and potassium. But some are relatively stable and harmless like calcium. If you want to buy a pure sample of any of the metal, you may go to a pharmarcy or some shops sell specific chemical products.

Or if you have adequate knowledge in chemistry, you may produce those stuff by electrolysis or decomposition etc. using daily neccessities. Or even coins.
參考: wikipedia for the list , myself for the rest
2012-09-23 5:02 am
礦物, minerals, 不是元素element; 不用特地去買一塊sodium 的, 用食鹽就可以了.
硼boron 可能可以去藥材舖, 買硼砂/硼酸, 用完有剩的可以順便殺蟑螂.
鈣calcium 可以先將雞蛋殼, 貝殼等燒成灰(去除有機物)再用.

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