Is the domain for this expression correct?

2012-09-17 12:43 am
The domain for function (x+6)/(x^2-13x+42) is (-inf,6) U (7,inf)?

回答 (3)

2012-09-17 12:51 am
The domain of the function will include everything x CAN be. Since in a fraction, you cannot have zero in the denominator, you have to set the denominator =0.
So, x^2-13x+42=0
Then factor that
So, x-6=0 and x-7=0
Then x=6 and x=7 are the two times this function is undefined. So, it's domain actually encludes more than listed:
You can include what's in between 6 and 7, just not 6 and 7 itself... therefore, the open brackets (parentheses)
參考: I'm a high school math teacer.
2012-09-17 12:51 am
(-inf,6) U (6,7) U (7, inf)
2012-09-17 12:47 am
U shoudl add numbers between 6 and 7 too.
Add this : (6,7)
Only 6 and 7 cannot be included
參考: A university student at u of t

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