I'm wanting to apply for HKU, with the followingcourses in mind: 1)Bachelor of Sciences (Government and Laws), 2)Bachelor of Arts(Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws and 3) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor ofEducation in language Education - English.
My GCSE and AS results are as follow:GCSE:A* in eng lit, maths, phy, chem, bio, french, rs, chinese; A in eng, spanish,history and B in art. AS is a lot worse... A in eng lit, history, rs, chinese;B in maths, f. maths, critical thinking (self taught) and C in econ(self-taught)
Bearing in mind that both BSoc(GL)and all courses inLLB are the most competitive courses, is it strategically correct to apply forBSoc(GL) with so many B’s in my AS’s? … and is there any point in placing Bachelorof Arts (Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws as my second choice?
師兄師姐們, Please help, I’d be hugely grateful for any andevery reply.