HKU Govt & Laws non-jupus gce

2012-09-17 6:43 am
I'm wanting to apply for HKU, with the followingcourses in mind: 1)Bachelor of Sciences (Government and Laws), 2)Bachelor of Arts(Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws and 3) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor ofEducation in language Education - English.

My GCSE and AS results are as follow:GCSE:A* in eng lit, maths, phy, chem, bio, french, rs, chinese; A in eng, spanish,history and B in art. AS is a lot worse... A in eng lit, history, rs, chinese;B in maths, f. maths, critical thinking (self taught) and C in econ(self-taught)

Bearing in mind that both BSoc(GL)and all courses inLLB are the most competitive courses, is it strategically correct to apply forBSoc(GL) with so many B’s in my AS’s? … and is there any point in placing Bachelorof Arts (Literary Studies) and Bachelor of Laws as my second choice?

師兄師姐們, Please help, I’d be hugely grateful for any andevery reply.

回答 (1)

2012-09-17 7:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

先唔同你去分析, 但如果去sum up 你個gcse 成績, 即係8A*3A1B, 而AS 就係3A3B1C (我唔計chinese)

1) Bearing in mind that both BSoc(GL)and all courses inLLB are the most competitive courses, is it strategically correct to apply forBSoc(GL) with so many B’s in my AS’s?

>> 你應該都知道所有law 既course 都係好多人報既, 我唔會建議你2個choice 都放哂law, 因為如果你1st choice 唔得, 你second choice 俾人揀到既機會係好少. 所以最好揀定一個你好想入既law course, 再用一個冇咁popular 既course 放做第2, 咁可能會secure 一d. 所以我唔會放law 係第2位, 記得我果時apply, 我放左bba law 做第一, bba 做第二 (hku), 最後係bba law 有offer. 而係ust 我apply 左bba global 做第一, bba 做第2, 因為bba 冇咁多人報, 所以就算最後我bba global 俾人reject 左, 我都仲有個bba 既offer 到手. 所以你呢個case, 可以放LS, 但亦可以放其實冇咁popular 既科, 如bba 做第2.

>> 同時, 如果你已經a左英文, 咁你就唔駛再去考ielts, 反而可以用多一d 時間去做work experience, 同埋讀一d short course. 咁樣樣對你個application 先會有幫助. 因為apply 得呢一d 科既人, 個個都有好成績, 所以如果你唔做一d extra 既野去stand out 你自己, 係好難有interview 同offer 的. 同時, 如果你econ c 左, 我唔會建議你放入去application 度, 因為一般黎講3個gce a level 已經好夠, 你放個econ 落去, 只會自暴其短, 得不償失.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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