加拿大大學學士學位認受性... ( 20點 )

2012-09-17 5:18 am
小弟今年岩岩考完DSE, 諗住出海外留學, 最後同屋企人商量完之後, 應該會去加拿大, 但有聽過其他人講, 係加拿大大學讀完嘅學士學位, 係香港嘅認受性好低, 甚至無。

即係如果有間公司請人, 我係加拿大畢業, 而另一位係英美畢業, 即使我嘅分高過另一位係英美畢業嘅人,但公司都會請係英美畢業個位。

其實係咪真... !?

求高人指點, 謝謝, 20點... THX

I will study Tourism and Hospitality Management, which country is better THX

回答 (5)

2012-09-26 7:05 pm
Firstly, most of the Canadian Universities are in the World Ranking, and a lot of them are in 500 + and around 5- 10 of them are in 100 +. In the meantime, most of the Hong Kong employers know or have heard about the famous Canadian Universities, so, it is not a really big problem. Compare to UK and US, UK has some good uni, but not all of them are famous, so, not all employers know. Same case as US, a lot of them are privately own, and there are lots and lots of uni in US, the quality is not sure. The Hong Kong employers only know the top US uni , but not all. Compare to Canada, we only have 78 uni (if I remember) public uni in the whole Canada, and they are mostly competitive and known as good/ excellent research uni.

Secondly, for your specific concern and program, I 'd strongly suggest you to choose the Ontario Universities. This is because 17/ 21 Ontario Universities are in World Ranking, and most of them are old, so, they can offer good program. For more info about your program , please check http://www.electronicinfo.ca/en/index.php?j=1&flash=1 . This is the official university program search engine/ data base for Ontario High school Students. You will find out what is better for you.

Thirdly, I'd recommend you to go to University of Toronto / University of Ottawa/ Queens University / University of Western Ontario / Ryerson University. They offer good program for Tourism and Hospitality Management. But the above are recommendations only. For University of Toronto, it rank at number 19 in the World on QS University World Ranking 2012. While HKU is 23. Thus, it won't be a problem for you while you were worrying about whether people know it or not.
參考: Personal Experience(Currently studying in University of Toronto)
2012-09-25 2:47 pm
I study Tourism and Hospitality Management in college from
Toronto,Ontario,Canada.I just got Advanced Diploma in 2008. When I come back
Hong Kong I have 5 hotel interview and Disneyland hotel accept me for
Assistant Manager in front desk and also Assistant Manager in Fast food area. I choice Fast food area and my salary star 9000/months and after six months
with 12000/months.Finally, I got 14000/months. I do not which city you go, and I give the list for you. Toronto,Canada:
Ryerson University, Humber College, Nigara Fall University and
George Brown College. Vancouver, Canada; Vancouver Island University.
Thompson University and Royal Road University.
If you go other city,and you can send message to me.

Tourism and Hospitality Management is No.1 in Switzerland
No.3 in Hong Kong polytheistic University( 理大)
No.5: Royal Road University
No.15: George Brown College
No.25: Vancouver Island

I have one Question,I do not your DSE result because 30% people cannot
go direct University and U may chance go college get diploma for two years and
two years for direct University or you can study in George Brown or Humber
degree and after you can study Master in 理大.That is y I quit my job to continue my job and continue 2 years.(that is only for Canada.) So I hope that canhelp you get more understand. I think may be you can deign more area subject

Most people come back from Canada 90% can get job in two months,
and the position is not bad.My cousin finish economic Degree in University of Waterloo and he got Marketing job with 13000months/HKD within two months.
and now salary is 20000months after 1 year.
2012-09-18 12:41 pm
Its depend what you are studying, let's day if you are interested in aerospace engineering. tell me which country is better. Does Canada, UK school (university or government) show you they have space shuttle, What kind of engineering program they could offer you. How competitive they are, don't just believe some idots tell you which country they are better, do research and find out. Let's say medical field, most of the complicated surgery and medical thesis were found in US princeton review. I am not saying US is better choice or better than this or that. There is always different from one country to another, no such thing is UK, Hong Kong, China,Canada is better recognition. there are many idots want to rank the school, this is not scientific, The ranking sometime is give you information the ratio of the class, alumnus contribution (money), School library volume, campus life, research done by the professors. Normally, the research are more for PHD doctorial degree) program. Even some ranking number one school, if you go into detail, you will find out not every program they offer is number one. You learn what you want , is not for ranking nor some idots tell you which one is better from thier narrowed mind, becasue they never nor they have a chance to explore the whole issues before they jump into conclusion. Remember, go on line, do research on your own, you will find out more.

2012-09-21 01:21:47 補充:
let's say, not day (sorry for the typo)
2012-09-17 9:51 pm
Which U you apply? ( UBC, SFU, York, U vic, etc.......)
Canada has many many.....

(認受性)depend what kind of jobs...
分數係其次..通常interview 的時候.
佢會睇你對話你點,,即場skill tests ...
so expriences are VERY VERY IMPortand for ppl who are fresh gradurate.

本人應為Canada, Uk 大學好過US...

2012-09-18 14:21:50 補充:
i don't think online resreach can know that much details unless u ask ppl who study oversea...
2012-09-17 8:14 am

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