short writing (200 words)

2012-09-16 6:37 pm
Your cousin Allen , who is living in mainland China , consider it is no big deal to download illegally and to buy pirated goods . As you find it very important to protect the intellectual property , you are going to write an email to convince him say "no" to pirated goods and illegal downloading (give 3~4 reasons to support your view)

Hi,Allen!How is going
Recently , I have heard from your parents that you.......................

回答 (1)

2012-09-16 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi,Allen!How is going
Recently , I have heard from your parents that you are spending much more time on music and videos. You are making me jealous! Hopefully they are not downloaded illegally as you mentioned a BT website last time I met you.

Though I am not wealthy and I love music and movies, I will never download it illegally and buy pirated goods. Let me share something. A friend of mine just published his first CD like two weeks ago and he found that his sound tracks were uploaded to the web just in a day! He was so depressed as he didn't get pay for his hard work. This is going to hit the entertainment indusry deeply if people keep boosting the black market or BT websites.

Also I believe downloading is dangerous. The Hong Kong Basic Law clearly stated that downloading and pirated goods are straightly prohibited. They will be confisicated if found. The owner will be sentenced to jain too! Also you will never know if there are virsus in it.

Morally, downloading or buying pirated goods is just milestone of down falling morality. It means that we did not respect the property right and we did not draw a bottom line of using other's hardwork.

Well... I believe you are not doing these stuff. You are always smart and you know what the right thing to do! Don't let me down and stop if the downloading bar is running!

See you soon

參考: my self

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