How much percentage of USA custom import tax/tariffs?

2012-09-15 12:25 pm
I want to ship a package to USA address (any states). Detail below:
1. Mechandise: backpacks
2. Method: DHL express worldwide service
3. INCOTERMS 2010: DDP (Delivery Duty Paid by Seller)
4. Estimated merchadise value: US$250.00

My questions are below:
1. How much percentage of USA custom import tax/tariffs?
2. Where can I find USA custom import tax/tarriffs rate?
3. How much money should I pay to USA custom through DHL express service?
4. Any others fees should I pay? (please make a fee list to me)

回答 (1)

2012-09-15 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
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Good luck to you.
Hope that you find the abovee enclosed information useful. 09/15/2012

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