節目管理HD 升學問題

2012-09-16 12:12 am
想問嶺南大學既 HD in Events Management (E-Application) 節目管理(資訊科技應用)高級文憑 可以升上大學degree咩科既YEAR 3 ?

Art of Events
Event Sales and Marketing
Information Systems Management
Professional Event Coordination and Operations
Event Entertainment and Production
E-Commerce Applications and Internet Marketing
Managing Special Events
International Cultural Issues
Creative Digital Visual Design
Cultural and Festival Events Applications
Interactive Motion Graphic Production
Meeting, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions Management

回答 (1)

2012-09-16 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
LOCAL UNIVERSITIES (example only):

1) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University:Year 2 of BSc (Hons) in Convention and Event Management or Year 2 of BSc (Hons) in Tourism Management

2) Top-up Degree Programmes Leading to PolyU-SPEED Awards -

[*Applicants from non-business disciplines will be required to complete bridging course(s) as designated by SPEED before programme commencement]

Bachelor of Arts Scheme in Business / 商業文學士組合課程
Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations / 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management


3) both government-funded and self-financing degree programmes offered by other local universities.

OVERSEAS TOP UP DEGREE (example only):

1)BA (Hons) Festival and Event Management, a 2-year full-time degree programme offered locally by Edinburgh Napier University (UK) in collaboration with HKU SPACE ;


2) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration - Middlesex University (United Kingdom) in collaboration with Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE)


3) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies - University of Wales (United Kingdom) [Concentration: Management] in collaboration with Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE)


4) Bachelor of Business (Event Management) Program - offered by Griffith University, Australia in collaboration with School of Continuing and Professional Studies,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


5)BSc (Hons) Events and Leisure Management, Sheffield Hallam University in collaboration with Vocational Training Council (VTC) , School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)


6) any other majors( e.g. Applied business, international business management, business administration)

2012-09-16 17:03:28 補充:
1. NON-JUPAS 申請入讀degree 是向個別大學提交申請.



Hong Kong U 可參考:http://www.als.hku.hk/admission/applying-or-admission-info/hong-kong-students/non-jupas

2012-09-16 17:04:07 補充:
2. 大學(指八大)通常在11月-12月開始接受申請.

2012-09-16 17:06:10 補充:
參考: Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE), Vocational Training Council (VTC) , School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE), School of Continuing and Professional Studies,HKU SPACE,PolyU-SPEED

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