A postage and envolpe question: large letter and package (Royal Mail)?

2012-09-12 1:34 pm
Hi, I am not British. I got a question about large letter and package.

It has happened many many times (99%). When I tried to send some plastic bag clips or something else with bubble-wrap or regular envelopes, the staffs asked me what's inside? (Should I have told them it's a bomb? I was not sending package to foreign counties. Why they asked me every time? I think it's private.) And after they knew it's not letters or cards inside the envelopes, they charged me small package fee. (By the way, staffs are no British white, I could find one every time, all look like Arabic or Indian. I am not racism, but they didn't pay attention to me or just ignore me no matter which staffs...maybe because of my English. They insisted to charge small package fee and told me everybody was the same.)

I saw from the internet. It seems like okay to send non-letter with Large Letter.

I also saw lots of sellers on ebay charging less than £1 postage for their light plastic items, but I don't get it, why post office charged me much more fee?

When I sent my stuffs with Large Letter fee, my profits is minus.


Did I get charged correctly?! 40 grams but charged me £2.2 to 2.7


I know if you send international parcles, they will ask. And I am talking about domestic not international. When I lived in south England, no staffs asked me what's inside my envlopes or parcels. Would a postbox ask me what's inside my envlope? Mr. postbox, i want to report that it's just a letter and two kitchen craft bag clips inside my envelope. It's only 40 grams and I want to send to London.

回答 (5)

2012-09-12 2:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have told them it's a bomb? - If you want to be arrested and spend time with the police.

They are asking you because they should. The Post Office need to make sure what you are sending is both legal and safe, they cannot know that without asking you.

The ask you about the personal correspondence because IF you do send items overseas it can sometimes make it cheaper.

If you are sending stuff to a UK address then if its over 5mm thick its a large letter, and if its over 25mm its a packet

At a guess if you are sending stuff in bubble wrap then it IS going to be over 25 mm so they have charged you the correct amount.
2012-09-12 2:20 pm
Grow up.
2016-10-23 8:08 pm
i imagine Royal Mail are less than resourced and fewer than staffed commonly utilising young ones who're no longer very useful and in simple terms dont look to care. years in the past, Royal mail used to apply a lot of older adult men say 40's, 50's and 60's who were very conscientious of their distribution and also you not often were given any issues. those days the more youthful technology doing the interest in simple terms dont care, they could even throw your mail contained in the bin because they in simple terms won't be able to worry. also you'll get your mail going into different persons's door container because the guy in simple terms won't be able to worry to ascertain it good through lack of educating and motivation and so on. I many times accept as true with one woman the following that firstclass is often now classed as 2d classification arriving some days late as adverse to next day delivery. i imagine the Royal Mail could commence re-making use of the older technology to do the mail distribution because they're and were extra careful and conscientious.
2012-09-12 2:00 pm
What is Pricing in Proportion It is the Letter Size Guide system the Royal Mail now ... it costs Royal Mail more to sort, handle and deliver larger envelopes and items than ... Large and irregular shaped packages take up more space in postbags and vans ... Before all post needed to be weighed to determine the postage rate.
2012-09-12 1:36 pm
they have to ask what it is so you get charged correctly, clearly if its all lumpy its not just a large letter or documents, so you have to pay for it being a package

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