Therefore,so as等既連接詞既解釋同有咩分別?

2012-09-13 7:12 am

3)in addition
4)So as
6)So that
7)As a consequence
11)As a result
12)more over

回答 (3)

2012-09-14 9:41 pm
Jenkin 解釋得太好了!

2012-09-13 9:37 pm
---The whole model sample of sentences in relation to conjunction10----
(1)Therefore(adv). He's only 18 and (therefore) not eligible to get married.
(2)furthermore(adv)=moreover; He had not discussed the divorce with her,(futhermore), he had not even seen her.
(3)in addition(adv) She is friendly with him A ,and likely to get an advantage from the friendship B (in addition to) money C.
(4)So as (adv) I am not (so stupid as) to believe that phone-call from China.
-------------Would you be(so kind as) to lock the door?
(5)So (conj) She spoke(so) soft I could hardly hear!
(6)So that (conj) She worked hard(so that) she would pass her examination.
(7)As a consequence (n) He lost his life (as a consequence) of driving too fast.
(8)Consequently(adv) It poses a threat to agriculture and vegetables,and (consequently) to our health.
(9) besides(prep) We have lots of things in common (besides) history.
(10) hence(adv)=therefore, Gov.suspects ChristineLook is trying to hide something,(hence) the need for an inquiry.
(11)As a result(n) ( As a result) he died of his cancer.
(12)moreover (adv) He was a history teacher,(moreover),the curator of a museum.
2012-09-13 7:17 pm
1)Therefore – 因此 – 由於A發生了/出現/是事實, therefore因此 B便/才會發生/出現/是事實
2)furthermore – 再者 – A發生了/出現/是事實, furthermore再進一步的發生/出現/是B.
3)in addition – 加上 - 有了A發生了/出現/是事實, in addition除A之外還加上B(的話) 發生了/出現/是事實…, C會是結果。
4)So as – 以致 – A做了一個動詞, so as “to”…達致B這個目的。
5)So – 所以 – 太簡單了, so 不用解啦。
6)So that – 所以能夠 – 因為有連接詞這東西,so that兩句句子之間的關係才能表達出來。
7)As a consequence – 會造成的後果是 -
8)Consequently – 因此後果/結果是 – A的動詞, consequently後果是B的反應/回應
9)besides – 除此 – 講了A, besides (除了A之外),還有B….Z等等相關的論點
10)hence – 於是 – A發生了/出現/是事實, hence於是, B必定發生/出現/是事實
11)As a result – 因此/結果是/導致 - A發生了/出現/是事實, as a result導致, B這個結果/後果
12)moreover – 再者/還有/引伸而言 - A發生了/出現/是事實, moreover, B也是同樣意義或類同的發生了/出現/是事實。 不寫一堆英文的例句,不如認知以中文理解它們細微的分別和前後句關係上的不同表達。

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