What are some signs that an aquarias male is attracted to you?

2012-09-11 4:27 pm

回答 (4)

2012-09-11 4:33 pm
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Aquarius are quite special. You would think that they're the same as other people because education and social environment have a bigger role in the forming of one's personality than the position of the planets in the day they were born, but that's wrong. When an aquarius male likes you, he first begins to slowly turn green and the he develops a second nose. After that he sings "Free bird" in reverse while jumping on one foot.
2012-09-12 1:05 am
aquarians like a challenge. They want someone intriguing, mysterious, and complex--so that they are kept on their toes. They don't go for superficial traits like beauty and money.

Libras (the air signs of course).
Capricorns and Scorpios would have the mystery factor
Virgo could intrigue them too.
2012-09-11 11:41 pm
參考: Aquarius
2012-09-11 11:35 pm
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