Why does it take a Capricorn soo long to commit to a relationship ?

2012-09-11 3:08 pm
We've been casually dating 7 months (im a virgo woman, in love with him and he knows it) even though he treats us as if we're in a relationship when im around (giving me things, money, dates, spending time,) when im not around he still refuses to remain sexually exclusive with me (i am to him)

He used many excuses not to commit:
1st hurt over his ex cheating then leaving him and doesnt want to get hurt again
2nd they were in a relationship for 4 years and now that he's single he wants to ''mess around'' for a while before he settles down back into a relationship
3rd waiting til i get older before commiting to me (hes in his late 20s)
4th excuse waiting to i get independent before commiting (own house, job, and car)
5th excuse, i broke his trust when i lied about flirting with other guys online (he was lying about much much wprse at the time and i was ready to leave him when i did this), and even though we're still dating he wont forgive me, and said because of this he doesnt want a relatonship with me right now (happened more than 4 months ago and still no forgiveness)

he doesnt want me to keep my options open but he wants to keep his open just in case, but he still admits it would be hard, even take a miracle to replace me cause no girl treats him as good as i do (we live in a town of horrible girls and not many options to choose from lol)

He uses his EX and what SHE did as an excuse to keep me at arms length, even since that lie i told, he just keeps sayin she cheated & lied & cheated & lied and afraid ill do the same, he says all girls are the same because of her, and no reassuring of my love for him and doing nice things for him will show him im a good person, i promised not to lie again, and stuck to it, but he wont led up

He says hes not sure if he sees me in his future becuase of that, he was soo hurt, which was suprising cause he didnt care that what he was doing that caused me to do that was hurting me (we both have feelings for each other and want one another to be exclusive, im playing my part but he wont play his)
What do i do with him ?

yes 1st answerer he does call all the shots in everything, including us

回答 (4)

2012-09-11 5:14 pm
We dont trust easy
參考: Capricorn woman
2012-09-11 4:34 pm
Like http://www.facebook.com/madamKighal Astrology Page and you'll get FREE NATAL CHART REPORT, SYNASTRY or REPORT by your choice (of course it could be answer to one of your Astrology, Numerology or Tarot questions!)
2012-09-11 4:09 pm
I don't know what to do with him but sounds like he's been grooming you to a position where he calls the shots. Number one it's safe so that he can manage the relationship. Two it gives him the authority as leader, how could you question or win argument against authority. What sign are you
2012-09-11 4:18 pm
Because they truly love at first but soon they get unattached and cheat and lie

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