English 英文報紙翻譯(急用)

2012-09-12 5:24 am


Teacher's day was a little less festive in beijing and shanghai yesterday as teachers digested the news that the cities would be the country's first to scrap lifelong tenure in favour of regular Performance reviews.

Education authorities in both cities disclosed the plans over the weekend just as teachers were preparing for the national holiday celebrating their contribution to society.

Shanghai told china daily that, starting this school year, primary and middle-school teachers would have to pass exams every five years to keep their certification.

Wu Wu(吳武),The human resources chief for the Beijing municipal commission of education, told the Beijing news that the capital was to comply with a ministry of education directive on improving teacher quality.

Education authorities are enacting the requirements to combat what they see as teachers' declining standards and morality.

The Teachers' Day holiday itself has become a source of concern, as parents often feel obliged to lavish teachers with expensive gifts in case their children get singled out for unfair treatment.

Professor Chu Zhaohui(儲朝輝) of the National Institute of Education Sciences said that while mainlanders increasingly subscribe to a market-oriented economy in which people must compete for jobs, teacher recruitment remains a remnant of the planned economy, promising an "iron rice bowl" regardless of performance.

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回答 (2)

2012-09-14 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
北京、 上海將設置為把教師到測試教師節是稍少一些節日在北京和上海昨天為教師消化城市將成為國家首次放棄支援定期績效審查的終身任職的消息。在這兩個城市的教育當局上週末披露計畫,就像教師已經準備慶祝他們對社會的貢獻的國家法定公休日。上海告訴中國日報從這個學年開始,小學和中學教師會必須每隔五年通過考試,以保持其認證。吳武 (吳武),為北京市委員會的教育、 人力資源行政告訴新京報 》,首都是要遵守部提升教師素質教育指令。教育當局正在制定打擊他們所看到的是教師的水準下降與道德的要求。教師的一天假日本身已成為令人關切的父母經常覺得奢華昂貴的禮物的教師,在他們的孩子得到的不公平待遇挑出來的情況下。教授朱 Zhaohui(儲朝輝) 的國家教育科學研究所說內地人士越來越多地訂閱一個以市場為導向的經濟人必須爭奪工作崗位,招聘教師仍殘存的計劃經濟,無論性能承諾"鐵飯碗"。
2012-09-12 7:48 am
--------------Beijing,Shanghai set to put teachers to the test--------
--------The Constituent Content+Comment in English.(Urgent)----------
------Professor Chu Zhaohui of National Institute of Education Science said that mainlanders were incline for market-oriented economy,why should teachers be exempted from;while getting a life long tenure in the "Iron Rice Bowl " employment?

-----Teachers always ask parents for expensive gifts as a guarantee to ensure that their children will be "fairly treated";as well as to celebrate the so called "teachers' day!"

-----The Education Authority also sees the decline in morality of teachers;hence the re-warranty of their"Moral Education and National Ed".

-----Wu Wu,the human resource chief had issued a directive command that teachers in Beijing+Shanghai should be examined every 5 years to keep their certification and authorization valid!(130 words)

2012-09-12 17:13:42 補充:
The meanings:-Tenure=the right to stay permanently in the job as a teacher. Warranty(for)=a document that gives teachers the right to services as a teacher. Moral=principles of right and wrong behaviour,on traditional moral values.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:45:16
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