請幫我把這段中文翻譯成英文 謝謝

2012-09-11 5:53 am
你好,我已重新購買一筆新的訂單Order No.XXXXXXX,今天也已把錯誤的商品寄回給你們,請記得把帽子和我寄過去的運費款項都退還給我 謝謝 (單據圖片已附上)

回答 (3)

2012-09-14 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好,我已重新購買一筆新的訂單Order No.XXXXXXX,今天也已把錯誤的商品寄回給你們,請記得把帽子和我寄過去的運費款項都退還給我 謝謝 (單據圖片已附上)
Hello, I have been re-purchase again, new orders No.XXXXXXX, and the wrong goods were also returned today, so please send the hat in actually, and refunded to me the freight payments, thank you. (attached is the documents pictures)


2012-09-13 19:01:05 補充:
(attached is the documents picture)←單數~
(attached are the documents pictures)←複數,sorry
2012-09-14 9:13 pm
或可加客服msn comingzoo9@hotmail.com直接查詢

我自己都經常去, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^
參考: www.OK online shop.com
2012-09-11 6:03 am
Hello, I have been re-purchase sum new orders Order No.XXXXXXX of today have the wrong goods be returned to you, please remember the hat and I send freight payments are refunded to me thank you (documents pictures have been attached

2012-09-10 22:03:24 補充:

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