How do you make people think you are a werewolf?

2012-09-09 10:01 pm
I know you all probably think I'm stupid, but this isn't for real. It's just a prank. I'm trying to get a friend back and freak her out. Organs in advance!!!

回答 (7)

2012-09-13 4:11 pm
If your friend is living in a house (not living in an apartment), then you can give a call to your friend and ask her to let you come to her home at night (make such that's a full moon night), before you go there, bring a werewolf costume, put it on when you arrived your friend's house.

After that, just go closer to your friend's house and start howling (try as hard as you can), then, you ring your friend's door bell, and hide, until your friend answered the door, then you suddenly jump out with roaring and howling. Your friend might scream! If you think that's enough, just take your costume off and tell her that's just a joke.

I think this can help you to freak your friend.
2012-09-09 11:35 pm
I've done this before to a friend too. You don't want to tell them right away. you want to be very secretive during the full moon. like, your at your friend's house, and it's a full moon. so you say "Uh, i have to go, do something. I'll see you tomorrow." Something like that. And you want to make growling noises, feral and animal like behavior. Aggressiveness. A crave for meat. You know what i'm talking about. And then, when you think it's time to reveal, get a werewolf costume. Then go to your friend's house at night on a full moon. Go into the bathroom, and put the bag with the werewolf costume inside and leave it there. Wait a little bit then cry out in pain saying "Oh my god, i'm gonna be sick." Run to the bathroom, Get on the werewolf costume. Come out, doing your best roaring and growling sounds. then run out of the house. Stay there for a few minutes. Then come back in. Close in on your friend. closer, closer, closer.......BOOM. you take off the mask, and you finally reveal it was a joke and payback, for whatever your friend did. I hope this helped, and happy scaring, Have a nice day.
參考: Experience
2012-09-09 11:07 pm
Be in her presence when the full moon rises allowing her to see the transformation as it occurs If you eat her you will certainly loose your friend so practice some self control first. No matter what this is very risky for her and you could get in trouble as well.
2012-09-09 10:49 pm
Know everything there is about a Grey Timber Wolf and then simulate their behaviors.
2012-09-09 10:30 pm
I'm not sure your friend will believe you. Try thinking of another prank.
2012-09-09 10:14 pm
I have to prove that I'm apart of a Little Red Riding Hood stageshow.

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