Suggest me some books....?

2012-09-09 2:55 am
My father is going to travel so suggest me some books...
I would prefer a book with simple or straight forward writing (like most fanfictions).
Any genre would work except for romance and gore (tiny amount of romance doesn't really matter and horror doesn't really matter as long as it's not too creepy and disgusting)
I LOVE moral stories....
So yeah sorry if I sound too picky.
One more thing: I like out stand books (is that what they call the books without series)

genres which I usually like to read:
Horror (like murders... You get the point I love suspence with horror... Oh and I love R.L.Stine Fear street series for teens it kept me hooked to the book and yet it wasn't to creepy to give me nightmares.)
Slice of life
Moral ( i know this isn't a genre)
Time travel (again this isn't a genre I know)

回答 (8)

2012-09-09 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Count of Monte Cristo(Adventure) was a phenomenal book
The Iliad and the Odyssey(Adventure/War)
The Marhabarhata(Adventure/War)
Romeo and Juliet(Romance)
The Time Machine(Science Fiction)

These are all classics and incredible books, I know you didn't say adventure but adventure books are some of the best so you have to read them.
2012-09-11 4:48 pm
Maybe you can read the following book, if you love reading R.L.Stine's book.

Goosebumps series

Goosebumps HorrorLand series

Give Yourself Goosebumps series (which is also a game book)

I've read them before, they are really good!

Also, the following are also written by R.L.Stine! (but the following books, I haven't read them yet.)

Ghosts of Fear Street series

Mostly Ghostly series

Rotten School series

The Nightmare Room series
2012-09-09 1:39 pm
If you like R.L Stine try:
Point Horror series-It's exactly like fear street
Christopher Pike books
2012-09-09 3:09 am
the christopher killer series is a good one;um if you like RL.Stine then maybe his dangerous girls series;um maximum ride;for time travel maybe the found series;born at midnight?that would be good if u like the supernaturals and stuff like that...

hope i helped!
2012-09-09 3:05 am
can i sujjest u a book. i can send u via mail. it is about " dose almighty exist"
it is't just a religen book it gives u sintific profes about it.
i loved it
if u like plz mail me on [email protected]
n i can mail u
read 2 pages of it n then decide u like to read farther or not
2012-09-09 3:05 am
The first book in the Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay, yes it's part of a series, but I think it can be seen as a standalone novel.
2012-09-09 3:02 am
Never let me go
catch 22
life of pi
2012-09-09 2:57 am
Id reccomend angels and demons by dan brown.

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