
2012-09-09 6:36 am

例如:I told him not to wear jeans
"to wear jeans"應該係修飾not?


回答 (2)

2012-09-09 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Adverb are modifiers add to meaning of verbs,adj or another adverbs eg:-(Modifying a verb)He ran quickly.You come here.She went home yesterday.(Modifying an adj)It is very hot today.Are you quite comfortable?Not good enough for a wife.(Modifying an adverb)She plays extremely well.She drives too fast for a medal!
Classification of Adv according to meaning:-
(1)Adverb express how action done eg:-She behaved badly
(2)Adverb express when action done:-Call me early:"I want to see sunrise"
(3)Adverb express place,eg:-I've looked everywhere for my jeans.
(4)To what extent /degree;-eg He spoke English too quickly for me to follow
(5)Interrogative adv eg:-Why did you wear jeans?
(6)Adverb of negation,eg:-"Is John wearing jeans?","No."
(7)Adverb of quantity eg:-Becky has won the prize twice.
(8)The relative Adverbs when/where introduce a clause eg;-I remember the day when(=on which)you told me to go to Europe.
---eg:-That is the room where(=in which)Michael lives.
By adding suffix,a few adverbs could be modified:-eg(a) with suffix --ly:-eg:-He comes here daily/weekly/monthly/hourly/etc---------eg(b) with suffix -ways, -wards, -wise, eg:-The road was so narrow we had to walk sideways.
--------------------------He went backwards/forwards/homewards,
--------------------------He sat with his legs on the chair crosswise
The adjective "new" is used attributively in "That is a new house". The adj new is used predicatively in "That house is new."..Hope you are successful.
2012-09-10 12:26 am
上面那位真有趣呀, 離題十萬丈遠呀 哈哈哈

I told him not to wear jeans不可以用文法分析, 否則你會陷入文法漩渦裏
好好的一句「我叫他不要穿牛仔褲」, 為什麽要拆這樣辛苦呢?
飛木 部落格

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