請狠評my english writing

2012-09-09 4:21 am
Question:You have to write a letter to the editor to express your view on the aspects. Yo u may talk about why you are concerned about the issue, the cause, the effect and the solutions. No write less that 400 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my opinion of "food waste". Hong Kong people throw away 3000 tones food everyday, which is equals to the weight of 126 double-decker buses. Furthermore, the government use $2.4 million per day to handle this "rubbish". If we do not tackle this problem, not only the landfills will full very soon, but also the government cannot use this money to resolve other problems. Therefore, we must do something before it is too late.
There are two causes why the Hong Kong people wasye so much food. At the beginning, there are nit big enough facility to recycle all the leftovers we produce. At the moment, there are only one facility in Hong Kong that recycles food waste into animals feed. The quantity it can tackle is far less than the quantity that the Hong Kong people throw leftovers everyday. As such, there are only a little food can be recycle, many food are waste in Hong Kong.
Moreover, the shop's worry. Some shops want to donate some food which hasn't passed through the expire date to charity. However, they worried that if the food become bad when it is in transport, and the food has been eaten afterward, that person may feel sick and the shop which which donate that food have a liability to compensate that person's suffer.It makes the shop suffer loss. As such, the shops prefer to throw the food into rubbish bin rather than donate the food to charity, it leads the landfills have more edible food.

Here are some solutions the solve food wasting problem. First of all, the governmemt should carry out a multi-pnonged approach to tackle the problem.For instance, the contruction of the processing centre on London Island should be speeded up so that doesn't want to throw into landfills.


In addidtion, the government should set up laws to protect the donators.For instance. It can set up “good samaritan law”which said that if the food from the donator makes the person feel unwell agter eating, the donator does not want to bear ant liability.


I believe that if the government sets up this law, the shops must be happy to donate the food to the charoty or food bank. This can reduce the food waste in Hong Kong and benefits to the poor families.


In conclusion, I hope that readers can consider my suggestions and think more about the problem. Yours faithfully, Chris Wong


大家介唔介意幫我評分,以21分為滿分,Thank you.

回答 (2)

2012-09-09 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my opinion of "food waste". Hong Kong people throw away 3000 tones food every day, which equals to the weight of 126 double-decker buses. Furthermore, the government uses $2.4 million per day to handle these "rubbish". If we do not tackle this problem, not only the landfills will be full very soon, but also the government cannot use money to resolve other problems. Therefore, we must do something before it is too late.
There are two causes why the Hong Kong people waste so much food. At the beginning, there are enough facilities to recycle all the leftovers we produce. At the moment, there are only one facility in Hong Kong that recycles food waste into animals feeds. The amount it can tackle is far less than the amount that Hong Kong people throw leftovers every day. As a result, there is only little food can be recycled, a lot of food are wasted in Hong Kong.
Moreover, shops are worrying. Some shops want to donate some food which hasn't passed through the expiry date to charities. However, they worried that if the food becomes bad when it is transported, and the food has been eaten afterwards, that person may feel sick and the shop which donate that food have a responsibility for compensation. The shop suffers loss. As a result, shops prefer to throw the food away rather than donating food to charities. This leads to the rise of the amount of eatable food.

2012-09-09 11:11:56 補充:
Here are some solutions the solve food wasting problem.
First of all, the governmemt should carry out an approach to tackle the problem.For instance, the construction of a processing centre on Lantau Island should be speeded up so that food will not be sent to landfills directly.

2012-09-09 11:13:00 補充:
There are some more mistaks. But, due to the limitation, I can't tell you all of them.
參考: me, me, me
2012-09-09 10:20 pm
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my opinions on food waste. Hong Kong people throw away 3000 tones of food every day which is equal to the weight of 126 double-decker buses. In order to handle these rubbish, the government needs to use $2.4 million per day. If we do not tackle this problem as soon as possible, not only the landfill will be full very soon, it will also be a waste of money. Therefore, we must do something before it is too late. There are mainly two reasons why the Hong Kong people waste so much food.
Before, there are not enough facilities to recycle all the leftovers we produced. The current situation has been improved but there are still only one factory in Hong Kong that recycles food waste into animal feed. The quantity it can treat is far less than the quantity that the Hong Kong people produce every day. In this case, only small amount of food can be recycled, much food are wasted in Hong Kong.
On the other hand, there are shops which would like to donate food which have not expired yet to charities. One of the worries from them is that the food will turn bad when it is being transported. If the food has been eaten afterwards, they may feel sick. The shops which donate the food have the responsibilities to compensate the accident. That’s why the shops prefer to throw the food away rather than donating the food to charities. This is another reason why I think that there is an increasing amount of food waste in Hong Kong.

2012-09-09 14:20:28 補充:
Here are some solutions to duel with the food wasting problem.
First of all, the government should carry out a multi-pnonged (check this word and make sure it is right in the dictionary, I can’t find it) approach to tackle the problem. For instance, the construction of the processing center at Londo

2012-09-09 14:25:04 補充:
Island should be speeded up so that they do not have to be thrown into landfills.

2012-09-09 14:25:58 補充:
They are those that I can upload here. There is word limit in this system.

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