
2012-09-09 2:17 am
The robber ordered the hostages to lie face down on the ground.

lie 和 face 都是動詞,為何可以連在一起?

回答 (3)

2012-09-09 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Face is used as a noun in this sentence. ( ~ not a verb)

2012-09-08 20:15:00 補充:
Examples from Longman Dictionary:

Keith was lying face down on the bed.
face (noun) down = with the face or front towards the ground.

face (verb) down [phrasal verb] = deal in a strong and confident way with someone who opposes you.
The supervisor successfully faced down the mob of angry workers.

2012-09-09 01:40:51 補充:
In American English,
facedown (adverb) = with the face down (facedown is one word)
The body was lying facedown.

Facedown (adverb) is rarely used in British English.
2012-09-09 3:55 am
"lie" and "face" are verbs ,but are not connected here:-
The infinitive clause is "to lie with face"
"order" is verb of perception; .if this verb is used in the passive voice,the infinitive takes to,eg:-
The hostages were ordered to lie with face down on the ground.
Hence:-The robber ordered the hostages to lie face down on the ground.
2012-09-09 3:45 am
呢到, face 唔係verb
呢到亦唔係"face down"
facedown 係adj = 面向下地
face down係phrase: 承受挫敗;制服,制止
呢到黎講, facedown 係岩
The robber ordered the hostages to lie face down on the ground. 之中的lie face down係唔成立, 冇得解:)

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:46:35
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