Why a lot of white guys are racist?

2012-09-08 5:11 am
There's a stero-type that is going around that black guys got bigger ***** than white guys and its not true because i see a lot of porn and i never seen this stero type and i think that they get mad cause a lot of white girls talk bad about white peoples ***** and they get hurt on the inside but dont really show it trust me im white and i know. You might be wondering why im telling you this but its too help people please stop this stereotype, i used to get offended by it too but i got over it

回答 (12)

2012-09-08 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can't know that, there has never been poll data supporting your claim that over 50% of so called "white" (light skinned) males are racist.
Why are you judging races by porn as well? If I wanted to know about someone's culture, the last place I would look is at their porno stash. Where on earth do you hang out, the penis critique club, who's going around talking about their phallus'?
2012-09-08 5:16 am
Which stereotype? The big penis one or the white guys are racist one. :[

Also, I don't think someone criticizing your cock size should make you racist. lol. I'm sorry. I can't take this seriously. XD
2012-09-09 10:40 pm
Haven't noticed....
參考: My best friend is a white guy.
2012-09-09 3:38 pm
Because white guys have small dick
2012-09-09 9:13 am
big penis, small penis, it's the moves that counts.
2012-09-08 7:32 am
You cannot end stereotypes, they exist for a reason. Especially you can't fix them on Yahoo Answers.
2016-12-11 11:20 pm
i'm an Asian female and that i'm no longer involved in my very own race, had some previous relationships that made that even much less accessible. My dad and mom are regrettably secretively racist, so as that they might have a confusing time accepting that i'm with a white boy lol, in spite of the shown fact that this is been the happiest time of my existence so why might I care. i think of charm does help yet i'm the shape of female who cares greater approximately what the guy is like interior, and not greater helpful way is to start up speaking on msn approximately random stuff, a minimum of for me. :) i'm completely for interracial relationship in the event that they actually love one yet another. i do no longer think of your alternatives are strange, I recommend this is asserted as that for a reason lol. it is likewise no longer racist in case you do no longer think of you like white adult males. in recent times people should not be stated to in basic terms love this one man or woman it fairly is considered "socially standard". In my existence i've got discovered that love has barriers till you ruin them, if i'm satisfied, i'm stable. in case you adore them, you would be wanting them. :) stable success!
2014-07-25 4:19 am
those guys are white but from other countries that are porn stars. white guys in america are mostly small.
2012-09-10 2:56 am
Because Caucasian guys do have small ***** and they are nothing in the bed. I never been with a Caucasian dude and it doesn't take a lot for me to figure that out.
2012-09-09 10:14 pm
sir you have just wasted a full 30 seconds of my life reading the most uninformative pointless jumble of words I've ever had the displeasure of reading on my computer

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