How to find the tour guide job?

2012-09-06 3:19 pm
I am Malaysian and staying in Japan 10years above.I am graduate from tourism school in Japan.I'll like to be a tourist guide in Japan.I have an experience leading the Indonesia tourist in Japan.But I do not know how to get the job.I can speak Japanese,Malay ,Mandarin,Hokkien,Cantonese and Indonesia.

回答 (2)

2012-09-07 11:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to Japanese law, you need a professional guide license before you get paid by guiding foreign visitors with foreign language.
"Professional guide" above is formally called "通訳案内士."

However, the guide examination license is issued for guiding with English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Korean and Thai --- but no Malay or Indonesian.

It is generally believed that the guide license exam is pretty challenging since the exam requires knowledge about Japanese geography, culture, history, industry, politics, and economics as well as foreign language.

I wish my answer helps.
參考: Registered Guide -- Japan National Tourism Organization Examination for Professional Guide -- Japan National Tourism Organization (Japanese Only)
2014-12-11 3:30 am
hard subject. look into on to yahoo or google. just that can help!

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 21:15:57
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