will not 同do not 用法問題

2012-09-07 2:41 am
will not 同 do not 都可以解不會
e.g. 多數會用I do not XXXXXX解我不會XXXXX
但I will not 就唔得 好似話係grammar問題
但對唔知點解我成日都會諗will not係不會
咁will not 用係咩句子到先會係解不會

睇左2位既解釋 會咪姐係will not係解(將不會)既時用? do not 就解(現在不會)既時間用?

回答 (3)

2012-09-14 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
你是對的 , will not的確是 不會
do not 也可以解做 不會, 但依你的句子, I do not XXXXXX解我不會XXXXX

其實不一定是 不會 的意思, 它只是 不 而已, do not後面跟什麽動詞, 才構成它的意思

do not /will not兩者是有分別的

I will not die 我不會死
跟I DO not die是不同的 事實上也不通

i do not watch tv就是 我(從來)不看電視
i will not watch tv this day 就是 我今天不會看電視

第一句是現在式, 講習慣
第二句是未來式, 講將來的事

看美劇挺好 從會話中學文法
2012-09-07 4:43 am
Will not is for grammar reason,.It is used to express willingness,promise determination,and habit.
Do not is present tense
Will not is for future=won't or the above four usage.
"will" with the first person is most commonly used.
Willingness:-I will not pay you at this high price!Won't you take her to the Toilet?Won't you is anticipated.
Promise:-I won't forget her birthday party.
Determination:-He won't repair the car,because he didn't know!
Habit:-She won't get up early for school.Peaches won't ripen in cold weather!Won't you express your willingness now?And promise never use "do not?"
2012-09-07 3:30 am
do not係現在式既不會(現在式係指依家)

而will not係將來式(將來式,動詞要加will係前面)
will not 亦可寫作 won't
won't 係will not既縮寫
參考: ME

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