
2012-09-06 5:15 am





回答 (3)

2012-09-06 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
2012-09-15 1:52 pm
National education should be a good subject, only when you government can edit a good contents. Hong Kong return to China 1999. But there are many people does not want to be recognized as Chinese. I think many of them want to be British. Unfortunlately, Britian don't want these 7 millions to be British. National Education is not necessary to praise June 4, or communist party. The first thing for this subject is asking the people of Hong Kong to understand China is only one party at this stage which is communist government body. No body can change at this stage, and there is no other party exist. Therefore, communist party is running the government, good or bad, its doesn;t matter, but this is the fact. Hong Kong people is Chinese, you cannot deny it. However, therre are many many Hong Kong people want to dye their face to become other race which no body understand, may be the slave education (colonieralism) from British too long. This is quite a long story, I am not able to say to much in this column, but you are Chinese, nothing you can change, why don't we learn more from China government, this is only an information subject, but many people claim this is brain wash, I believe is overwhemingly mis-understand this subject. All other nations, such as USA, Canada..., these western country also teach their children to love their own country.!!!! Hong Kong is hopless, too many negative on anything.
2012-09-06 9:43 pm
Guo Min Jiao Yu 2012 Hen Jian Dan 23 Ju
Zi You Xuan Wen Ti Suo Ren Qu Pian Ou Na Mei Li Ke Ju He Guo Fa Er Ding Chu Ben An 23
參考: Dicionario Use 23 Basic Answer Bi ” Xin Hua Zi Dian ” 2012

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