"Christianity is the antithesis of logic." is true, but is this a criticism or a reflection?

2012-09-04 4:04 pm
of the Gospel dynamic of the first shall be last and God has chosen the foolish things of this World to display His glory and wisdom?

Within this concept is the answer as to why so many atheists cannot understand.

回答 (13)

2012-09-04 4:32 pm
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Christianity goes beyond human logic, which is limited to the finite thinking of humans. Christianity gives us a glimpse into the mind of God, and that's where the atheists cannot possibly see, let alone grasp.

The Bible and Christianity is God's self-revelation, supremely in the person of Christ. He is the wisdom of God. He is the exact representation of God. The disciples saw something of his glory at the transfiguration, thus John could write, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)

But the world considers Jesus Christ to be foolish (if they consider him at all) because he was crucified. He appeared to accomplish nothing in his short life. They don't realise that, because he was without sin, death could not hold him and so he was resurrected on the third day and triumphed over sin, death and the devil. Jesus appeared to be the least, and yet now he has the name that is above every name! Atheists will always consider Christianity to be illogical without ever realising it is the total contrast to their sense of logic that originates in the mind of the One who alone is utterly logical.

For as long as atheists rule God out of their thinking, their logic will always be limited and incapable of comprehending spiritual realities - see 1 Corinthians 2:10-14.
Therefore to say "Christianity is the antithesis of logic" is not a criticism but a reflection. Shame hardly anyone here (so far) has stopped to reflect.
2012-09-04 4:08 pm
I think Locke put it better:

"Every sect, as far as reason will help them, make use of it gladly; and where it fails them, they cry out, 'It is a matter of faith, and above reason!'"
- John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)
2012-09-04 4:08 pm
It's not really the antithesis of logic. It can be fully logical within an epistemological system in which the Bible is taken to be true. The fallacy begins with the unsupported claim that the Bible (and subsequent religious doctrine) are true.
2012-09-04 4:17 pm
I don't think that Christianity is the antithesis of logic. That is a philosophical statement which is selective in it's parameters. And "blinders on" parameters at that. If you try to "logicize" the paradoxes within Christianity only, then maybe that statement is true. But there is more to Christianity than paradoxes. Some of the wisdom in Christianity actually defy human nature but it makes perfect sense! To love your enemies, for instance. It isn't human nature to do stuff like that. But if you think about how to make peace and avoid a war, it makes sense to me anyway.

Also, if Christianity is kept out of the traditional aspects and taken purely out of the Bible, we can see a covenant making God. Agree to the covenant and be blessed. That's not illogical. That is something people do with each other on earth, they just don't have a tendency to call it a covenant, but I think everyone has heard of a contract or Will and Testament. So what's the big deal calling it logical?

EDIT: Here is another bit of logic for you. Again, outside of traditional teachings (maybe unless you are a Calvinist or something similar like I am), there is this:

John 14
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot (an absolutely negative adverb is used here- they 'are not able' to) accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.

That has a lot to do what many atheists CANNOT understand, God didn't give what it took. And according to Matthew 13, even what they did have will be taken from them, because it wasn't given to them to have the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven."
2012-09-04 4:09 pm
Christianity is not the opposite of logic.

It's the absence of logic.
2016-12-11 5:39 pm
to a pair volume. For a typical guy, criticism brings his ethical down, demoralizes him. whilst compliment boosts his ethical. yet those are purely the instantaneous stages. in specific circumstances, even criticism is had to coach a individual the main wonderful direction, if he is going to a incorrect way. yet i think that criticism could desire to be in a wonderful way, no longer in an insulting and undesirable way. Aum Namah Shivay
2012-09-04 5:10 pm
I don't understand what you're trying to point out? The phrase isn't trying to prove logic in any way, it's observing the foolish things that promote god and jesus christ in the way that they do from the sources that they do. I'm not an atheist, but the reasons for the lack of logic within christianity are various. Here's my most simple explanation. God didn't write the book. God is not a book. The bible has no scientific explanation or logical formulation of why and how. It is simply history mixed with morale and ethic that has been put into a story book and distorted horribly. When christians constantly cite **** from the bible any philisophically/scientificly intelligable mind is going to understand that it's just paper and words full of lessons. Everyday new problems are created and resolved that the bible does not relate to in detail, and it's only so expansive. Right and wrong is something you find within your conscious, and anyone who thinks the path through heaven is through a book, or jesus, is just too simple. To find equilibrium you have to use your own mind to realize things and learn from each mistake, therefore by the time you are even capable of existing in a plane of cosmos, you would have to have pure tension of your own. Now i'm going to get to jesus. I guarantee you jesus never claimed that he was the only way through heaven. Wheres my evidence? I have none. But i believe transmutation is possible and if there was a jesus character capable of it who wanted to show people the possibilities of the lord then ok, why not? In this circumstance jesus would have been very scientifically educated, and able to understand quantum physics and lightspeed and mass, and he would have had to known and understand the molecular structure and the correct attitude you had to have when your brains electromagnetic waves react with a quantum particle, so if he was this intelligent and claimed to be the ONLY son of god and the only way to heaven.. yet he said that you can do what im doing and more.. hmmm.. Then he was lieing and he knew it. But i believe he was wiser, and that those who beleive he is god are just retarded. Each individual soul is only a small part of the father, each part of him that becomes one specific aspect of a universe is a holy spirit, through which manifests the mother consciousness and gives you thought and chose, and then you as the soon have the will through the mother to act and create. We are all equal to jesus in a sense because we are all gods children and have come to learn for the lord. Whether jesus is a saint or not he was superior than most people today and perhaps in heaven and the leader but yeah it makes no sense that a man could die for the sins your still committing, and according to science every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so when you have a negative charged electromagnetic brainwave it has already occurred and the lord and the entire universe have already reacted. Put that and the bible together and the answer is simple.. you have to do **** on your own. Theres no shoulders to cry on, an immortal will only help you if they wish or if you are independent and benevolent enough to get their attention. EDIT: it's both criticism and reflection.
2012-09-04 4:21 pm
If you think the Gospel is the antithesis of logic that is because you mind is limited and unable to receive that which condemns.

All live according to the hearts and desires unless prevented or restrained. Therefore the heart forbids the mind from that which opposes or condemns.

Simple logic.

The failure of reason and logic by the haters of God on this Forum is particularly pointed.
2012-09-04 4:08 pm
well i don't get your point, but their is a terminology called "believers but unbelievers" they believe in Jesus Christ is our savior, But not all of them believing in miracles and wonders specially today, some people they testify a change of life, etc. God helead them. etc. but mostly some believers didn't
2012-09-04 4:07 pm
You're correct. I did not understand that. However, I don't think Christianity is illogical.

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