YAHOO auction 騙子

2012-09-03 7:34 pm
我今天收到一個用英文的人想買我的貨, 但怕他是騙子, 因上次有個叫Clara Johnson 的人話要買我的貨, 好彩我上網睇到有人話果個Clara Johnson 係騙子, 所以沒被騙.. 而我今天收到一個用英文的人想買我的貨, 但今次上網睇不到有關佢的資料, 現希望各位幫幫手, 謝謝..以下是我和他的對話: 佢個名叫Gary Cares


我答: 請用中文打字, 謝謝

佢問: Urgently waiting to read from you before i travel, where do we meet for cash transaction.. mail me now directly to my Gmail and msn (lerepaimo@gmailcom and lerepaimo@hotmailcom )

我答: 請用中文打字, 謝謝

我問: 你要幾多件? 請用中文打字, 謝謝!

我再問: 你是否要? 請問要幾多件? 在旺角地鐵站交收於星期一至六下午6:45-7:45,你可以嗎?請盡快回覆,thanks~

之後佢一路無回應我, 我去他給我的gmail問佢: 你好, 請問你是否要漸變橙色一件? 你要說明要什麼size, 交收於星期一至六下午6:45-7:45旺角地鐵站或星期一至星期日下午6:00至10:00南昌西鐵站, 請選好交收地點及時間後請盡快回覆, thanks~^^ 請可用email回覆都可以 到([email protected])<--我的個人email

之後佢終於答我: Thanks for the mail.. Pls tell your best selling price per one and how
many do you have for sale and also send me your auction link page to
review other items.. I promise to offer you Higher price as a serious
buyer that wants Fast Trade. Gary Cares

就係呢幾段對話, 請問他是否騙子? 希望各位幫忙, thanks~~

回答 (3)

2012-09-07 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
基本上類似既問答 (叫你email用英文contact佢, 出比市價更高既價同你買, 個拍賣account冇分) 已經可以del唔洗理, 係呃人的, 當佢問你拎完銀行account資料之後, 會用假既入數證明叫你寄貨, 當然事實上佢係冇入數比你啦
參考: 常識
2012-10-08 5:56 am
我都收到今日, 好煩, 有沒有辦法可以阻止收取這些人的問題.

franculio (無): Urgently waiting to read from you before i travel, where do we meet for cash transaction.. mail me now directly to my Gmail and msn (lerepamoo@gmailcom and lerepaimo@hotmailcom )
2012-09-07 2:44 am
我都有係yahoo 拍賣野,琴日收到同你同一樣名的人,叫Gary Cares,又係 (lerepaimo@gmailcom and lerepaimo@hotmailcom ) 係拍賣問答到用英文問,同一樣既野。之後我就覆左佢e-mail,又話要晒我全部貨,佢仲畀晒收貨地址(0係 馬來西亞),又叫我寄EMS,又話運費佢會比,仲跟著佢仲要我畀銀行戶口佢,初時我都無諗過呃人。我當然要check下運費幾多錢啦,我d貨加起要88kg,運費要成$3500蚊,仲高過我d貨既價值,之後我同佢講會唔會轉其他運輸公司,佢又話唔駛,所以我開始覺得有疑點,邊有買家唔想運費平d嫁,之後我上網check 就有好多相似既騙案例子。雖然我無真係寄到貨畀佢(貨就小事,運費是大),但我比左銀行資料佢,都有d擔心,佢會唔會用lee d 資料做d乜....以下係佢email內容,希望唔好有人比佢呃
Hi dear,So once u send me below details, i will proceed with the payment and onceu got the email Confirmation Receipt from my Bank (First Commercial Bank ), you will go and send the item at post office (AirPost SPEEDPOSTEMS)and once u send the item you, you just reply with tracking Numberas response to the bank e mail, My Bank will credit your accountimmediately and send you a mail to goand check your account and withdraw your money same day.
I have a Budget of 2000hkd*Name on account*Bank Name*Account Number*Auction Link Page*How Many Pieces you have for sale*Your email address which you want my bank to send the confirmation mail to.*Phone number for sms on phone immeiately payment is made.
I will appreciate your understanding. and please ensure you reply me.
Shipping AddressName: Mohamed CherifAddress: SP5/7 No 9 Saujana PuchongCity: PuchongState: SelangorZip : 47100Country: MalaysiaPhone: +6016049539
Please note i will always reply your every 10minute cause i want thistransaction to go smooth to keep good transaction record.
Stay Blessed.Gary Cares

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