Who pays CNA more nursing homes or hospitals.?

2012-09-02 7:39 pm
I just passed my state test to get my license. Now Im looking for work in Texas, I have work experience in home health as a home health assistant, but im looking for stable hours with more pay. Do you have any suggestions.

回答 (3)

2012-09-02 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In terms of best salary, I think its the nursing homes because nursing or retirement homes do not regulate a standard salary but based their salary on experience or qualification. Sometimes, you can get a couple dollars more than the other person, if you are good at selling your potentials to the Director who usually runs or own those nursing homes. Hospital are more regulated by those government agencies and therefore have a standard salary scale on their levels of employment.
2012-09-05 4:43 am
From my experience, hospitals tend to pay better in most areas of the country.
2012-09-03 6:39 pm
Your best chance at good steady employment would be at one of the nursing homes. Most hospitals will only hire RN's and prefer those with a BSN.

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