
2012-09-03 2:14 am
sometime i jealous to someone else.
sometime i jealous of others.
邊個岩? grammar岩唔岩?

回答 (4)

2012-09-05 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

兩句子缺少個動詞 (verb).
因為無 verb, 因此無 tense (時態), 不知是過去, 現在, 將來?

Jealous 是形容詞 (adjective), 如果後面跟 preposition (前置詞), 是 of, 不是 to.

There is nothing for you to feel jealous about. (~ not jealous about something)

sometime (adverb) 某個時候,
sometimes (adverb) 有時 (我想多是 sometimes)

如果是 sometime, 很少在句子第一個字是用sometime
I am jealous of others sometime.
Sometimes I am jealous of other.

句子第一個字要大寫 (capital letter)

The format:
(1) jealous of something/somebody
His friends are jealous of his success.

(2) verb (be, feel, become, sound, grow, get… ) + jealous.
He is jealous.

(3) jealous + noun (husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, rival, look, rage, ..)
He is a jealous husband.

(4) make + someone + jealous.
She made him jealous.

好字典是必要的, (e.g. Longman, Oxford) 多例句, phrases, idioms
參考好的 Grammar reference book (e.g. English Grammar in Use – by R. Murphy)
最理想是找個文法好的人教你, ( e.g. 老師, 師兄, 師姐), 你肯受教. 要有人經常改正你的錯.

No offence to anyone:
Quote from “Longman Dictionary of Common Errors” - by Turton

"X Although I’m jealous about his achievements, he is my brother and I’m proud of him.
Although I’m jealous of his achievements, he is my brother and I’m proud of him.

jealous of sb/sth: ‘It’s very common for older children to be jealous of a new baby.' ’"

少數英汉字典有 jealous about something, jealous for something,
愚見是跟隨 Longman, Oxford and Webster 字典較合宜
參考: Longman Dictionary of Common Errors; Longman English Dictionary
2012-09-04 3:27 pm
Download and install "WordWeb", It is dictionary with examples.

One of the example of "jealous" given is ""jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions"".

It indicates the preposition after "jealous" and "covetous" is "of".
2012-09-03 10:27 pm
001答sentence structure的基本原則很正確

但除此之外亦要留意你似乎在問jealous to和jealous of...

基本上沒有jealous to[錯]

jealous of someone
jealous about something

2012-09-03 3:11 am
The word 'jealous' is an adjective.
Remember the structure of a sentence
=S+V or S+V+O,
Therefore, you have to add a verb.
Hence, the sentence should be 'I am jealous...'
For the second half part, 'of others' is correct.

If you want to improve your English and overcome the 'Chinglish' problem, you have to do the following:
1)Learn more vocabularies
2)Do more exercises
3)Remember the structure of certain phrases
參考: me

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