
2012-09-01 10:43 pm

回答 (4)

2012-09-02 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我係外國讀緊書,11月就夠18歲,但因為仲返緊學返唔到香港轉成人身份證,我想問係外國可唔可以申請/可唔可以遲D返左香港先整呢?

>> hk 既身分證係唔可以係hk 度整既, 而我18yrs 果時, 個人係英國, 番唔到黎renew 身分證. 果時我就係等到term break, 番hk 果時, 先再去book appointment 去整 (咁變左番hk, 入境唔係用身分證, 而係用passport). 一般黎講, 如果你唔係話成年後先去renew, 只係遲左少少, 一般都係冇問題.

>> 果時我都係年底生日, 之後我係xmas 番hk 果時就順便換新既身分證了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2012-09-11 1:34 am
1) 我想問係外國可唔可以申請
2) 可唔可以遲D返左香港先整
可以, 因為你合理的理由. 所以你要安排返香港要有一月停留香港, 初步是取臨時身份証, 2-3星期才有正式身份証. 必須回港前上網預約申請日期.回到香港便可即時辦理換成人身份証.. 香港居民出入境香港是用身份証, 護照在外地出入境才用的.

2012-09-10 17:43:34 補充:
2012-09-10 11:28 pm

2012-09-04 11:41 am
The answer is yes.

1. You can apply an adult HKID from the Chinese Consulate. The only issue is that kind of ID is for those who don't have an ID at all and they need it for the HKSAR Passport. And that ID will need to be replaced as soon as you are back to Hong Kong as they are not Smart ID.

So in your case, they will not do that for you (as they will accept your current ID, even expired).

2. As soon as you are overseas, the Immigration Department can't really force you to come back and get a new ID.

So you can come back at your own convenience to renew that.

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