
2012-09-01 7:39 pm
A pre- addressed, stamped envelope what to mail your application for membership to our club is enclosed with this letter.

envelope 是名詞,為何可後接what ?
what 是甚麼意思?
stamped envelope what to ... 這部分可用其他形式表達嗎?

回答 (2)

2012-09-05 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
He shouldn't use what, but which, which refers to the envelop

What he meant is: A pre-addressed and stamped envelope which to mail your membership application to our club is enclosed in this letter.

But it is a better way to express: Please mail your membership application to our club with the enclosed pre-addressed, stamped envelope.
2012-09-01 9:38 pm
The grammar of this sentence is correct, but poorly written.

Basically, the sentence should read like this:

A pre-addressed, stamped envelope, what to mail your application for membership to our club, is enclosed with this letter.

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