how can a level 7 person in yahoo answers see your profile when you have them blocked?

2012-08-31 7:02 pm
i blocked some level 7 person and they still could see my profile and delete there emails

how can people see your profile when you block them ?

do level 7 people have certain privileges to see though blocks ?

how can they even see your question ?


Lulu....thank you i don't want to report them but they can see my questions and star them , possibly thought yahoo messenger ?


Ooops i knew when i posted another question the person that was blocked ...stared my question so how could they star it if there were supposedly blocked . they shut off there email .they can send me emails but i can not send them emails Just ignore them and stop worrying, it's not that important.... who is it for you to say whats important in my life and there life ? maybe it easy for you to say you don't know us i have a close relationship with them for 3 years were love was involved

回答 (3)

2012-08-31 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No they can't see your profile when you block them,
level 7 people do not have any privileges at all,
I'm sure they cannot see your questions either, (Not 100% sure on this question though )
You can always report then if they are being unpleasant................
2012-09-01 4:48 am
What baffles me is how you could possibly know someone can see your profile. Also what do you mean by delete their e-mails.Once sent no one can delete their e-mails from the recipient. Additionally level 7 have no special privileges to see through blocks. There is a way to see your account and profile even when blocked due to a loophole which should not be published here as too many already know it.Just ignore them and stop worrying, it's not that important.
2012-09-01 2:38 am
they can still see the profiles they just cant answer a question or see an answer they give if you sont have them blocked
a person could make another account and see it it still and even answer

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