有關amazon 買野運費點計?

2012-09-01 12:47 am
我有search 過其他網站, 但係都唔明:(( 希望可以幫下我計:) thx!!

一本雜志$10.77, 我買4本~

落order我揀左standard international shipping(averages 18-32 day)

【Standard Shipping Rates to Asia & Pacific Islands

Product Category //Per Shipment* //Per Item
Books, VHS videotapes // $4.99 //$4.99**

* In certain cases we'll combine items from multiple orders into a single package.
** Additional shipping and handling charges apply to media items of unusual size or weight. 】


求幫助~~~ thank you very much!!^^

回答 (2)

2012-09-05 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
你check out前佢有個total, 另有個shipping畀你睇架麻~

2012-09-07 11:51:48 補充:
人地係問運費呀~ 都唔知你答乜~
2012-09-01 1:17 am
I have try to buy books there, it is almost as the same as the total price of the books.
參考: me

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