Buying of pilot's logbook

2012-08-31 2:55 am
Could anyone tell me where I can buy a pilot's flight logbook in Hong Kong? Thank you very much!

回答 (2)

2012-09-04 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
first of all, why do you want one? If you are a pilot, you will know where to buy. If you aren't, you won't need it.

2012-09-05 20:09:32 補充:
Pilot's Logbook for Pax Logsheet???? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012-09-04 10:36 pm
我想话要pilot logbook唔一定要係機師先買得架喎
航空迷中意都可以買個尼儲log sheet架

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