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Today, my nearby flat is on fire![my nearby flat是有點chinglish的寫法-由於你係作者the flat nearby必然是相對於你住的地點而near-by] Smoke from the flat is straight![請問你想寫:個單位「一直」冒煙,還是單位冒出「垂直的」煙[現時的意思]。
In the flat is only a dog and a baby. [這句文法錯了-the flat is – “is”作為動詞是表示the flat「是」如何的單位,我估你想講the flat有/住了…,應該用的動詞是the flat “only” has a dog and a baby.或There is only a dog and a baby in the flat.]The baby is sleeping in the cradle and the dog is very smart and lawyer[你有冇查清楚這個字lawyer是否你要表達的字=律師,並且lawyer不是形容詞啊!] so it bark for help but not anyone heard. [but not anyone heard當中anyone這字的意思是任何人-不是沒有人-這是初學這字的同學常誤解的,你這句應該寫成:but no one heard.才是沒有(no)人(one)聽到。]In the same time, [這phrase用錯preposition,應該是At the same time.]the fire is becomeing bigger and bigger so the dog put[雖然用錯動詞-含/咬是不能用put=放在上面這詞的,但仍算文法規格冇錯]baby in his mouth then escape from the scene.[用scene雖然並不太貼題-用於報導還可以-但這是講述故事或(小說)情景則要更清楚表達escape from甚麼…最好不要用咁虛/綜合的畫面。]
After 5 minutes, the firemen arrive. They put out the fire.這句都寫編得順暢。
Finally, The baby's parents(The dog's master) gives (用錯verb=跟上面一樣is的意思是那主體subject「是」如何,你想說那人做多謝的動作而不是那人本身是多謝。] thanks [give thanks是感謝的動詞組-可記住會常有用,thank本身亦是動詞,但要小心用 – 例如如果你這裏寫the parents thanks their dog就很怪了-不是文法錯而是意思上人係唔會多謝一隻狗的=thank作為動詞基本上用在人對人。]for the dog and the firemen praise the dog for its bravery. [the dog is very brave是形容詞的寫法「它很勇敢」, 但如果你寫為bravery名詞則寫法是「它的(its)勇敢」而不是「它是勇敢」。] 最後指出一點全篇都應該用過去時來寫所有的動詞,因為你是在記錄已經發生了的事。 所以上面沒有改正這項,如我把你的內容重寫會是:
2012-08-29 16:02:32 補充:
Today, the flat nearby my home caught on fire. Smoke kept coming out from the windows and doors of the flat. There was only a baby and a dog inside at the time. The baby was sleeping in a cradle. The dog was smart and sensed the danger and started barking, but no one heard to come to help.
2012-08-29 16:03:57 補充:
As the fire got bigger and bigger, the dog opened the door and hold the baby by his month to carry him out to the open down the staircase. After 5 minutes, firemen arrived and they put out the fire quickly. The parents of the baby were very thankful to the dog.
參考: 中一已經有文有路不錯啦 - 多注意句式文法的組合 - 多看小說或故事書看看別人如何把很多內容編排和寫句子。