cathay pacific crew

2012-08-29 7:49 pm
我想問國泰每一次飛都有一個機長同機倉服務經理, 我知d 空姐空少都要聽機倉服務經理講,係佢地上司 ,咁機長係唔係高級過機倉服務經理?

仲有, 我聽人講做國泰每一次飛的crew都同,咁係唔係冇咩朋友?

回答 (3)

2012-08-29 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes - the Captain has the absolute power for the flight. Even the In-flight Service Manger is not the Captain's responsibility, the ISM will still need to follow the Captain's instruction.

2. Not necessary - it is based on seniority and rotation.
2012-09-04 7:09 am
Gary: correct

Vincent: 九唔答八
2012-09-01 5:07 am
其实間間航空公司都有Captain同ISM,不过間間航空公司對ISM尼個pose就有唔同既名.例如海灣航空Gilf Air就叫Cabin Service Manager不过釋中文都一样.港龍叫Chief Purser總機艙事務長.所有空服都要聽佢讲,因為佢客艙既老頂.人工亦都最高(可能仲高过Second Officer).话明係机長,咁架機就一定係Captain去in charge架啦~ISM係客艙既最高話事人.但係如果有啲突發事件ISM搞唔掂都係要搵Captain.

唔係.佢係睇你咩pose呀blah blah blah一大堆野去分你做邊班機.其实都会识到好多人既~

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