I go to play football文法上有錯嗎

2012-08-29 8:07 am
I go to play football文法上有錯嗎

回答 (6)

2012-08-31 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Grammatically, this sentence is correct.
However conceptually, the word 'go' is not so meaningful since this sentence has not specified the place of playing football. For instance, 'I go to the playground to play football.'
2012-08-30 7:04 am
You must write,and not write:-
Prime tense=Present tense=present (adj) time with verb eg:-be,have,
eg:-I go to play; I go to work; I like to play; I get up at; I start for football ground; I am called Tom.
2012-08-29 5:30 pm
應該I like playing football./I am going to play football./I will play football
2012-08-29 4:28 pm
我認為 I will go to plat football.或者I am going to plat football.會比較好

2012-08-29 08:32:49 補充:
因為說現在在踢足球就用am+verb-ing,如果是準備踢足球,就應該用will+verb base,所以我應為你的句子文法上有錯

2012-08-29 08:33:54 補充:
I will go to play football.
I am going to play football.
參考: me
2012-08-29 8:20 am
加埋 everyday好小小

I go to play football everyday

參考: 神風亨
2012-08-29 8:20 am
基本上是沒錯的,可是這句像是中式英語,I PLAY FOOTBALL 可能會好一點,可是如果是日記等的話應該用過去式,story的話應該用現在式

2012-08-29 00:21:51 補充:
參考: me

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