Stuck on basic Physics/Math Question?

2012-08-28 5:39 pm
At t=0 a ball, initially at rest, starts to roll down a ramp with constant acceleration. You notice it moves 1 foot between t=0 seconds and t = 1 second.

1) How far does it move between t = 1 second and t = 2 seconds?

How do I solve this?

回答 (3)

2012-08-28 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You want the equation

s = ut + ½at²

s = distance moved = 1 ft (initially)

u = initial velocity = 0

a = acceleration

t = time = 1 sec


1 = 0 + ½ a (1²)

therefore a = 2 ft/sec²

Using the same equation with t = 2 sec.

s = 0 + ½ (2) ∙ 2²

. .= 4 ft.

In the first two seconds it has moved 4 ft, therefore in the second second it moved 4 - 1 = 3 feet.
2016-12-12 6:38 am
Physincs and math are a brilliant element for engineers. as an occasion: Aerodynamics....almost all approximately math and physics when you consider which you are able to desire to be conscious of the potential and sturdiness of fabrics, the friction led to through airflow over aluminium surfaces. The results of temperature and stress alterations etc etc :) this needless to say is an exceptionally short answer yet physics is likewise a superb variety of´ll in no way run out of questions whilst it includes physics and the solutions are consistently logical and exciting. Hit it !
2012-08-28 5:58 pm
Ball moved 1 foot between t=0 n t=1 sec
Initial velocity V0 at t = 0 sec
Let velocity after t = 1 sec, V1
Acceleration = (V1-V0)/t, As t = 1 Acceleration = V1-V0
Let velocity after t = 2 sec, V2
As acceleration is constant
V2-V1 = V1-V0
V2+V0 = 2V1

Given, V0 = 0 and V1 = 1 as ball moved 1 foot in 1 sec
So V2 = 2 feet/sec
Acceleration 1 foot/sec²
Formula for constant acceleration is
tda = Vf² - Vi²
t - time, d - distance, a - acceleration
d = (4-1)/1*1
d = 3

So it moved 3 feet

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