英文翻譯~~~Thank you!!!

2012-08-29 6:55 am
1.You can have it steamed, or coooked in a cheese sauce.
2. You can also have it raw.
3. Can I have it steamed, please?
4. How would you like it? Stir= fried or steamed.
5. How much would you like?
6. Enough for four people, please.
7. There is a good Chinese restaurant round the corner.
8. There is a good sushi bar down the road.
9. There is a very good steak house three blocks away from here.
10. Let's go there then.
11. Great. Let's go.
12. Shall we go there?
13. a burger place
14. I have an appointment with Mr. Yan.
15. What time is your appointment?
16. I am comint to see Mr. Yan at three o'clock.
17. Have you got the time (on you)?
18. Please take a seat there, Mr. Ma. I am calling Mr. Yan now.
19. I've made an appointment with Dr. Yu.
20. Dr. Yu is seeing another patient.
21. Please take a seat. It won't be long.
22. Excuse me. When do you deliver to Kennedy Town?
23. We deliver on Monday, madam.
24. I'd like to check the stock list.
25. Certainly.
26. How many boxes of rubber bands do we have now?
27. Could you take this file to the basement?
28. Your briefcase.
29. Do you come here for business?
30. I see. Have a nice day, madam.
31. Do you come here for sightseeing/ business?
32. I am on a business trip.
33. Can/ Could you say that again, please?
34. Yes, sure. My name is Kin Ming, and my surname is Chong.
35. I see. Can/ Could you spell that, please?
36. Sorry sir, can / could you say that again, please?
37. Can / Could you spell that, please?

回答 (2)

2012-08-30 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 你可以把它蒸熟,或者用芝士(乳酪)醬一起煮。
2. 你也可以生吃。
3. 請你幫我把它蒸熟,可以嗎?
4. 你想怎麼製作?炒還是蒸?
5. 你想要多少?
6. 請預備足夠四個人份量。
7. 拐角處就有一間很好(棒)的中式餐廳。
8. 街尾處就有一間很好(棒)的壽司餐廳。
9. 離這裏三條街處有一間非常好(棒)的牛扒餐廳。
10. 那麼我們就去那間吧。
11. 好啊,我們起程吧。
12. 我們應該去那裏嗎?
13. 一間漢堡包店。
14. 我預約了甄先生
15. 請問你預約的時間是?
16. 我會在3點來見甄先生
17. 請問現在幾點鍾?請問現在的時間是?
18. 請坐在那裏,馬先生。我現在就會去叫甄先生過來。
19. 我預約了余醫生
20. 余醫生正在為另一個病人看病。21. 請坐,很快就輪到你。22. 請問,你何時送到堅尼地城?23. 女士,我們在星期一送到。24. 我想查閱存貨清單。25. 當然可以啦。26. 我們現存有多少盒橡皮圈?
27. 你可以把這個文件夾拿到地庫嗎?
28. 你的公事包。
29. 你是來這裏公幹嗎?
30. 明白了,女士,祝你愉快(地過天)。
31. 你是來旅遊/公幹嗎?
32. 我在公務行程中。
33. 請你(重覆)再說一次?
34. 當然可以。我的名字叫建明,我姓莊。 35. 很好。請你可以串出那名字嗎?
36. 先生,對不起,請你(重覆)再說一次?
37. 請你可以串出那字嗎?
2012-08-29 9:34 am
1.You can have it steamed, or coooked in a cheese sauce.
2. You can also have it raw.
3. Can I have it steamed, please?
4. How would you like it? Stir= fried or steamed.
5. How much would you like?
6. Enough for four people, please.
7. There is a good Chinese restaurant round the corner.
8. There is a good sushi bar down the road.
9. There is a very good steak house three blocks away from here.
10. Let's go there then.
11. Great. Let's go.
12. Shall we go there?
13. a burger place
14. I have an appointment with Mr. Yan.
15. What time is your appointment?
16. I am comint to see Mr. Yan at three o'clock.
17. Have you got the time (on you)?
18. Please take a seat there, Mr. Ma. I am calling Mr. Yan now.
19. I've made an appointment with Dr. Yu.
20. Dr. Yu is seeing another patient.
參考: me

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