
2012-08-28 7:12 am
1. 先生,俾錢呢邊
2. 先生,你嘅貨品已經放咗喺收銀
3. 隨便睇,慢慢(簡)
4. 麻煩等等,我幫你查下有無呢本書
5. 麻煩等等,我查下呢本書仲有無存貨
6. 唔好意思,我地無賣呢本書,或者可以睇呢本書
7. 呢本書好有趣/啟發性/有教育意義
8. 麻煩等等,我係新嚟唔太清楚,要問一下同事
9. 先生,呢樣產品宜家做緊優惠,要唔要加?
10. 歡迎下次光臨


回答 (5)

2012-08-28 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Sir, here is the payment counter.
2.Sir, your goods have been put to the cashier.
3.Please feel free to take a look and choose leisurely.
4.Please wait and I will check whether there is a book you request.
5.Please wait and I will check whether there are stocks.
6.I am sorry to tell you that we don't have this book. You may try this book.
7.This book is interesting/inspirational/educational.
8.Please wait and I will ask other staffs since I am a new staff.
9.Sir, this product is on sale, would you like to have it?
10.Welcome for coming again.
參考: me, dictionary
2012-09-06 7:11 pm
The followings are the spoken English to be adopted by the salesman or sales woman while attending the bookshop in the airport;
1) Sir or Madam, please pay here or over there;
2) Sir or Madam, your books or goods had been packed paid already;
3) May I help you Sir or Madam or Anything is labelled please take your time;
4) Please wait a minute, let me check and find the book for you;
5) Please wait a minute, let me check whether the book is in stock;
6) Sorry we don't carry this book, how about that one;
7) This book gives good interesting ,creative and educational ideas;
8) I'm not sure about that please give me a minute and ask my co-worker;
9) Sir or Madam this product has special discount do you want to take it;
10) Please come again or Thank you for your patronage again;
2012-08-30 5:23 pm
I think Jenkin did a really good job in explaining and helping the translation.
I have some other suggestions that they might be helpful as well:

1. 先生,俾錢呢邊
I am pretty sure you say this only when you see someone who is looking for a cashier. So in this case, you can actually point to the cashier and say "Sir, you could pay at the register over there" or "Our cashier is right behind the bookshelf to your left"

2. 先生,你嘅貨品已經放咗喺收銀
Sir, your items are at the register.

3. 隨便睇,慢慢(簡)
I have never heard of people saying this in US before. The closest greeting would be, "Hi how are you today? Can I help you with anything?"

4. 麻煩等等,我幫你查下有無呢本書
Bear with me for one second, let me check if we have this book.

5. 麻煩等等,我查下呢本書仲有無存貨
Bear with me for one second, let me check if we have it in stock.

6. 唔好意思,我地無賣呢本書,或者可以睇呢本書
Sorry, we dn't have the book here. Or maybe you will be interested in this.

7. 呢本書好有趣/啟發性/有教育意義
This is a really interesting/inspirational/educational book.

8. 麻煩等等,我係新嚟唔太清楚,要問一下同事
Sorry, I am new here. Let me check with my manager/co-worker.

9. 先生,呢樣產品宜家做緊優惠,要唔要加?
This item is on sale now. Would you like to have one of them?

10. 歡迎下次光臨
Thank you for shopping with us. See you again.

Try to be more casual. Politeness is essential, but needless to be too formal.
2012-08-29 1:41 am
照咁睇你都真係要急惡補啦 1. check out here, sir.Check out這個字可以用在任何付錢的店舖(書店,所以不會用this is payment counter/cashier counter 咁formal作口語詞的-當然你會見到店內是會掛這字。一般英語人會叫這個做check-out counter.所以包括圖書錧的借書counter你留意香港才叫做borrow/return等字,外國是寫check-out / return的。另外記住英語裏收錢的一方甚少會直用pay這個字的。當然你可以叫客人pay over here / pay here但這樣是表示客人欠你錢才用pay (back)的,如果付費時你想問客人用付方法付費才會說How would you like to pay (for it)?但如果是大公司/百貨公司的職員亦不會這樣說,只會簡單問:cash or credit;客人自己則會說I’ll pay in cash / by credit card…,所以這點留意。 2. I’ve kept your items at the (check-out) counter for you, sir.你這句說時已完成了行動,但如果公司是指示你要替客人先把貨品拿去收銀先,你是要先問准客人(不是一聲唔出把他手上的東西搶了去的)…May I take your purchase/items and keep it/them at the (check-out) counter. 3. 隨便睇,慢慢(揀)如果係書店Feel free to browse around. 如果係入門口或進入某大百貨公司/分店可以說 Enjoy your shopping. 唔使指示客人慢慢揀咁直接的 4. Please wait a moment. Let me check if we have this book. 5. Please wait a moment. Let me check if we have this book in stock. 6. I’m sorry we don’t have this book. / I’m sorry we don’t carry this book. (Perhaps) May I recommend this book on the same topic. 你似乎都很內行,所以介紹英語中don’t have可以表示在這店沒有存貨或現在沒有,但如果像你說的冇賣則要用don’t carry這用詞,意思不是沒有帶來/帶住,而正是本書店沒有入這書的貨。後句你中文其實是介紹另一本書,所以英文會表達得很詳細:(或許)讓我介紹這本同主題的書。

2012-08-28 17:42:12 補充:
7. This book is quite interesting/inspiring/educational

8. Please wait a moment, I’m new at the job, I’m going to check (with my colleague).對客人而言你請教或投問誰不是重點,所以如果未識講咁長句子或複雜的句子,簡單地說I’ll check通常都通行的。

2012-08-28 17:42:37 補充:
9. This item(xxx) is on sale/promotion (對英語人而言你說的優惠要講是甚麼或者還要把那產品也介紹一下而不單是因為店內推廣便是優惠的),would you like to have it also? 順便提一句,很多sales會把「買」這個意思代客人說了出來:would you like to buy this/that…或this is a great buy等文法正確但用法全錯的講法,面對客人記住買不買是他的決定,不是你代他先決定了買,所以營業員英語中是沒有buy這個字的。

2012-08-28 17:42:52 補充:
10. Thank you and come again.這是送客語,一句可以走天涯。不要把中文直譯為Welcome to come again或類似的東西。
2012-08-28 9:03 am
(1)Here's payment counter.
(2)Pay first for your goods back at counter
(3)Take time,Selection First
(4)I'll check from checklist for your books.
(5)The stock of books in a shop wares,Mister.
(6)Sold out,only this book available.
(7)This book is interesting,enlightening,informing.
(8)I'll ask my colleague.
(9)At complimentary price;to give away price!
(10) You're welcome again!

Buy a Conversation bk C/E.

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