2012-08-28 5:44 am
1)They will knock on the door and say the wealth god has come.

2)The family will take one of the red paper,stick it on the door,and give lucky money to the doys.

3)It should be blazed abroad.應傳承下去

4)Nowaday,a position in the society is not only for men.

5)Moreover,the writer's writting skills are very good.

6)This subject is very well.

7)It also let me have an insight into Chinese Culture.

8)I learn lot of things from this book such as to ....

回答 (3)

2012-09-03 9:36 am
1)They will knock on the door and say "the god of wealth has come".

2)The family members will take a piece of red paper to stick on the door and give lucky money to the boys.

3)It should be blazed abroad.應傳承下去

4)Nowadays,a position in the society is not only for men.

5)Moreover,the writer's writtings are very skilled or skillful.

6)This subject matter is very well.這樣題材是非常好;

7)It also let me gain an insight into Chinese Culture.我也有機會了解或看透中國的文化;

8)I learn a lot of things from this book such as to ....
參考: 部份根據香港牛津大學出版社1975年度出版的英漢雙解辭典
2012-08-28 6:43 am
1) They will knock at the door and say the wealthy god has come.

2)The family will take one of the red papers,stick it on the door,and give lucky mon

ey to the boys.

3)It should blaze abroad.

4)Nowadays,a position in the society is not only for men.

5)Moreover,the writer's writting skills is very good.

6)This subject is very good.

7)It also lets me have an insight into Chinese Culture.

8)I learn a lot of things from this book such as to ....

希望幫到你啦 :D
參考: me
2012-08-28 6:40 am
Error and correction on grammar:-
(1)the "wealthy-god"
(2)------take and stick the red-slogan on the door---
(3)------be carried on abroad;be diligent; be steadfast; continue---
(4)-----,but for women.
(5)------are of professional standard.
(6)------to study.
(7)-----Culture and traditions.
(8)-----as to be civilized in cultural events.

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