within the same branch?

2012-08-27 8:57 pm
Transfer to own account within the same branch
Transfer to other Citibank account within the same branch
Transfer to other bank
Transfer abroad

within the same branch = within the same country?

回答 (1)

2012-08-28 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Within the same branch means the accounts opened in a branch (same branch) only.
1. Transfer to own account within the same branch means you can transfer money from one account to another account opened in the same branch of the Bank. e.g. current to savings etc. The accounts are all opened in your own name.
2. You can transfer money from your account to another person with accounts in the same branch of the Bank.

2012-08-28 22:02:58 補充:
If this is a Shatin Branch of Citibank, within the Branch means all accounts are opened in this branch and not in other branch,e.g. Wanchai Branch. Therefore all accounts opened there are with the same Shatin branch code number.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:35:53
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