Mechanics - Roller Coaster

2012-08-27 10:33 am
Give me TWO REASONS why the height of the next peak of the roller coaster has to be less than the height of the first peak. Thank you very much.

Remarks: 1) One of the reasons must include the conservation of energy
2) The second one should not be mentioned about the conservation of energy. (Do not break down one reason into two)

001, your answer is quite good. However, can you think about the reason that is not about Physics, but in general? That means for the safety reasons or something else, that the designers consider. [Perhaps there will not be any more reasons. I just want to know more and find more reasons.]

回答 (1)

2012-08-27 4:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. If the second peak was higher than the first peak, there would be an increase in potential energy. Should the kinetic energy at the first peak be not high enough, the roller coaster might not be able to climb up the second peak.

2. There is frictional force on the rail, which dissipates energy from the roller coaster. The coaster thus possesses less kinetic energy when climbing up the second peak, and which only enables the coaster to reach a lower peak.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:52:54
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