英文問題 2012/8/26 (2)

2012-08-27 6:05 am
Complete the passage below with suitable passive forms of verbs

On Sunday, some TV fans sit glued to the television watching the above-mentioned
programme, which is one of the most popular shows.
In the show,teenage models (1)_________(invite) to demonstrate how to cook.
Expensive ingredients such as lobsters and king crabs (2)__________(use) .
Unfortunately, these expensive foods end up (3)____________(waste) by teenage
models, who may not know how to cook anything well.
If we take a look at the outside world, many people do not have sufficient foods to
eat. These less fortunate people (4)__________(neglect) from time to time. Worse
still, some of them are dying because of hunger.
Another comment about this programme is it focuses on the figure of the teenage
models. The models wear skimpy clothing. It (5)_________(screen) during prime
time. This show has a bad influence on teenagers.
It is not a wholesome family show even it is very popular . Producers and directors
have to consider how much food (6)___________(waste) and how teenagers' value
towards food may (7)__________(affect). It does not set a good example for
teenagers to follow.
What should we do then? Young kids must (8)__________(guide) by parents
whenever they turn on the television. Also, advise needs (9)__________(give) to
school children by teachers to choose the right programmes for them.
Not every programme is suitable for teenagers. It has to (10)_________(scan)
by the authority before showing at prome time.
Last week, more than 100 complaints (11)__________(make) by television
viewers. They complained that the programme (12)___________(scan) properly
before it was shown to the public. It is not suitable for children as it has set a
very bad example for children to follow, i.e. a waste of precious food.

回答 (2)

2012-08-27 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. are invited
2. are used
3. wasted
4. neglected
5. is screened
6. are wasted
7. be affected
8. be guided
9. to give
10 . be scanned
11.are made
12. is scanned

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2012-08-27 7:47 am
-----eng ques 2012/8/26 (2):-passive has connected with the form of a verb used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb;eg:-She was invited to TV.
(1)are invited
(2)are used
(3)to be wasted
(4)are neglected
(5)is screened
(6)are wasted
(7)be affected
(8)be guided
(9)to be given
(10)be scanned =,( to) be scanned
(11)were made
(12)be scanned

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