In the movie "The Ides of March," why did anyone trust Stephen after Ida leaked the story about him and Duffy?

2012-08-26 3:45 am
I don't understand why anyone would trust Stephen as the senior campaign manager for Morris if Ida had leaked a story about him meeting secretly with Duffy. Wouldn't that look really bad for Morris' campaign going forward? Couldn't it cost him the general election when he goes against the Republican nominee? I'm struggling to understand how this story just seems to be forgotten by everyone ahead of the general election.

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2012-08-26 10:57 am
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Ida didn't leak the story. Stephen talked to Morris in the kitchen the night he was fired. Morris fired Paul and Stephen got the position next morning before Ida could leak the story. The story indicated Stephen wanted to work for Duffy, but acturally Stephen was promoted as manager. Therefore, no one would believe Ida's story. Then, the story lost its value.

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