Test your intelligence

2012-08-26 7:11 am
1. If the code "Li ger vyr zivc jewx." stands for "He can run very fast.", what does "Yrjsvxyrexipc, qerc wxyhirxw hsr’x pmoi xli eqsyrx sj lsqiasvo kmzir." stand for?

2. If H = 8, E = 100, R = 0, find:
U = ?, V = ?, W = ?
? = 1000, ? = 0.6, ? = 2/3

3. What English word can be produced from the following letters?
s i l e n t s e a

Question 3 hints: It is an adjective and it starts with "e".

回答 (2)

2012-08-27 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1."Yrjsvxyrexipc, qerc wxyhirxw hsr’x pmoi xli eqsyrx sj lsqiasvo kmzir."stands for
Unfortunately, many students don't like the amount of homework given.
2. If H = 8, E = 100, R = 0, find:
U = 4, V = 5, W = 2
N = 1000, I = 0.6, E = 2/3
參考: ME
2012-08-26 7:26 am
1. Unfortunately, many students don't like the amount of homework given.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 22:43:56
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